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My eyes fluttered opened and the first thing I noticed was the smell. The strong scent of ammonia caused my chest to feel heavy, like a brick placed on me. The chemicals burning within my nose while I continuously gasped for air.

Looking around the room, my eyes focused on the dark and musty cell, like a prison room. As I fully come to, I realized my mouth was taped shut making the chances of my breathing even more difficult. The cement floor was cold and hard under me, covered in complete filth and what looked like dry blood.

Moving around my hands were tied behind my back and my legs were free. I moaned out while using whatever energy I had in me to somehow wriggle free, but my attempts where all in vain. The room was dark, only one light that was barely shining through the room. It looked like there was no windows, and the door did not even have a handle from the inside. There was no way out, even if I had the energy to try and escape.

Now that I was finally lucid, I look at my body and for the first time I notice I am no longer wearing my sweatpants, I am only in my tank top and underwear. My thighs from what I could see had knife slices on them followed by dried blood. My head throbbed and felt so heavy that I could not even hold it up.

The last thing I remember was finishing my shower, changing my clothes. I heard weird noises and when I stepped out of my room, someone grabbed me and then, it all went dark. That is the last thing I remembered. I had no idea how long ago that was. It could have been only a few hours, or several days. Matteo must know where I am, but what if he didn't? would he even care? he is glad I'm gone.

The thought that I was all only, with no one looking or even caring about me. That scared the absolute shit out of me, but either way I cannot show however took me my fear. Struggling again, I managed to rub off the tape placed on my mouth with my shoulder until it feels off. I stood up, my legs almost buckled underneath me, feeling fire pain on the bottom of my feet.

Glancing down, I noticed that there where burns on them, from a lighter maybe? In a rush of adrenaline and rage, I lunged forwards heading to the door and using all my strength I bang my fists on them.

"Let me the FUCK out of here!" I yell out, with little success as my voice is so raw and I feel like a saw is in my throat.

"HEY" I shriek again when no one responded. " I know you can hear me; you dumb fuck. Let me out now, you piece of shit."

All the sudden the door flung open, and a man walked in. Coming closer to the one light inside the room I recognise the face of the man, the guy from the mall? What, I knew there was something strange about him.

"Now you're finally awake" he states with a smirk, standing in front of me. He seems different now, you can sense this powerful presence that he did not have before.

"What are you..." I was so shocked and confused as to why he was here, but before I could get my sentence out completely, he cuts me off.

His grin turns evil, "What am I doing here?" he laughs out. "Come on, what a stupid question to ask".

I was speechless, I honestly do not know what to say.

"You are so dumb". he rolled his eyes. "Now when I saw you, I had no idea who you were but when Matteo showed up, I just knew that there was something going on with you two. And what do you know, you peaked my boss's interest". He hovers over me making me feel even smaller than I was.

I had multiple questions, but I kept my mouth shut. Not wanting him to satisfaction or to antagonize him.

"Oh, nothing to say? Do not worry, my boss will make you talk". He leans down towards my ear and whispers, "even if he has to force it out of you, he will get what he wants".

I wanted to fight, scream, cry, anything. But there is no point, no way out. I am stuck, they controlled me. 'Please someone, help'.

Staring right at me, he is about to leave but before he fully walks out the door he comes back. "You know, if you don't want to talk then there is no point in you being awake".

That is the last thing he said before I felt my face being hit with a tremendous amount of force, and I'm out like a light. 


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