Takis The Demon

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During my life, i was always fascinated with the idea of the paranormal mainly because of an encounter with a demon. As a kid was curious about what this thing was. Later on with the help of the internet and the tarot cards, I was able to come to a conclusion.

Do not be weirded out by the name. It is its normal name. It is the name I chose to give him and yes it is a male demon. Now that I think about it demons do not have genders. Oh well. As I was saying the name is 100% Greek. I was born and I still live in Greece. It is a nickname for the name Dimitris or Jim. 

My first encounter with Takis was when I was in fifth grade. It was summer and I was sleeping in my room but was woken up in the middle of the night by him. His slim shadow figure was watching me from my door. He was standing there observing. That night I did not sleep for a while. I was there returning the stare. Later on, I was getting sleepy so I decided to sleep since  I had school the next day. I know it was a stupid decision but no one except me messes with my sleeping hours. If i want to stay awake i get to decide that on just some random demon.

The next day he was there, in the same fucking spot he was the night before. But this time he was there from the beginning, from the moment I turned the light off and laid down on my bed. I could feel the burning stares all over my body. My eleven yeared old self was ready to fight this shit so she did what she thought most suitable, ignore him. From the little knowledge I had, on demons, I knew that I must not show any fear or even feel it, demons are feeding from negative emotions and was not planning on making them stronger. I already know that this bitch was a high-ranking demon. Which turned out to be true later on. 

That night I decided that if he was back the next night I was going to sleep in my mother's room. I was secretly hoping he wouldn't. I was so wrong. He was back. But I was smarter than I looked. Before I went to bed I said to my mother " I am sleeping with you tonight." And I just made myself comfortable in my mom's bed. During that period my mother was not sleeping alone, she was sleeping with my younger sister. I still thank the universe for having a double bed. 

Later on, everyone fell asleep in the room, except me. Yeah, how fun. I was awake looking for my prey in the dead night. Well except for the fact that I was the pray but who cares. I was looking at my door where he was standing the previous two nights. I wasn't surprised. He was looking for me and I knew that. He was angry since he could not find me while I was proud of my achievement. As a result, I fell asleep. 

Only to be waked by him again. Still standing in his previous location and looking at me with an inraged energy around him. But so was I. I was deeply annoyed. He was taking away my precious sleep. So I did what a normal eleven-year-old would do. I woke up my mother. 

The conversation went on like this.

" Mum! Mum! Wake up." I whispered-yelled at her. 

" What?!" My mom woke up and she was like' What is it brat?'

"There is a man standing in my doorway." I said while I was pointing at him.

My mum at first thought I was kidding but she saw him too. He was there looking inside my room. While my mum did not believe what she had just seen.  Her half-asleep state could not prosses what she was seeing, at first. But she kept looking at him and came to the conclusion that this thing existed. Then she looked at me and told me to go back to sleep.

"How comforting." That was my thought at that moment.

Let me give you some background information. My mother is a Christian but also afraid of everything that was to do with the paranormal. These moments I wonder if I am adopted but my grandmother is the only evidence I have to prove my origins. As expected he did nothing more than stare at me.

My tired, eleven-yeared-old brain was able to throw this able only to say this phrase before going back to sleep.

" What the fuck are you looking at."

Since then i had not seen him for years, but that did not mean that he was not present. He was there and he was attached to me. I did not sense him at all, during my journey to the paranormal world. But the years passed and i was able to see and understand.

The first time i sensed him was during my first year of high school. I had been seeing a psychologist for almost a year and it was an eye-opening experience.  While i was doing one of the sessions and i was talking about my childhood and he just came to mind when i mentioned my interests as a kid. 

I started to believe that he was a friendly spirit, he was protecting me from all the stressful things i going through in my life. But little did i know his intentions were not innocent. A year later or more specifically some months before, things started to change. Items started going mission, my sister was being tormented in her sleep and my baby sister was afraid of something in the house. 

When I was reading about demons and spirits, I believed that not all of them were evil, but the mind of an eleven-yeared-old kid was not ready to face reality. So years later I came to the conclusion that he had to go. If he didn't someone was going to get hurt and that was my sister.

Long story short i got him to leave my house and the dreams stopped. My sister was able to sleep. However, he was present in my dreams. After a very vivid dream, i took it to the next level. To be more specific i became a pagan. But that is a story for later. 

Time passed and he left. But he never forgot. Sometimes i feel him outside the house since he can't get inside. I and my deities made sure no negative spirit or demon can get inside. For the time being he is angry.

What the tarot cards revied was that he was in love with me and wanted to stay with me. That wasn't going to end well for me. Me kicking him out made him angry. And the cherry on top was that i started working with Hades.  Demons hate Hades, the reason why is that he is able to get them to go away. Also, my best friend had started working with Apolo. They were and still are a major threat to them.

Recently he was trying to harm me in my sleep but i had Hades with me. The only thing he can do is just stare outside from my window. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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