Chapter 2 - Stormy days

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My phone lets out an ear piercing shriek and I fall of my bed. " UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! " I moan realizing that I have school today ! I get up and head to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and have a 15 minute shower, hoping that the weirdness and shock of last night will disappear ... After the shower, I feel tranquil and I look for appropriate clothes to wear.

I find my favorite pair of blue jeans and a cute , pink t-shirt that mum bought for me , my signature, black , soviet sneakers and a classic , blue , denim jacket . After I put on the clothes that I found , I start to debate over which hairstyle I want - ponytail , braid or leave hair open ... I decide to leave my hair open and I give it a good brush . I use some of my Mum's, Dolce and Gahanna perfume and put on my purple watch. I realize that I need to pack my bags and I look for all the books that I need. Once , I'm done, I head downstairs.

My parents are gone !!! I call out to them and I see a note from them on the kitchen table , "Hi Kate. We hope you have a good day at school. We had to leave early, because of work but we will see you tonight at 9pm!!! Love you!!! <3 <3 - Mum and Dad. " What the hell?! They never work this late !!! One day, I will find out what they are hiding from me ... but now I have to eat breakfast and walk to school! I enjoy a glass of orange juice with my cornflakes and head to, Dark Raven High School (DRHS), which is 15 minutes away from my house.

As soon as I enter the school building, I'm met with feelings of worry. I put on my headphones and blast the music of Taylor Swift ... I head to my locker and try to not talk to anybody.

I unlock my locker and examine my timetable. Math, Physics, English, Health class and... A strong hand knocks me to the ground, freezing my thought process! The familiar cackle of my tormentor, Rachel, brings me back to reality. " Hahaha , you should have seen your reaction !!! " , Rachel says , trying to provoke my anger . "Are you going to cry, Kate?" Rachel asks , sarcastically. My blood begins to boil, as I feel my cheeks burning with fury! I lose control and slap Rachel! She is unfazed, but an evil grin appears on her face.

Her once jet black eyes turn blood red! Is Rachel a werewolf? Was she the creature I saw in my nightmare last night? Rachel gives me a look, which sends shivers down my spine ... "I guess you aren't as weak as I thought you were." Rachel says . She walks away, as the school bell rings. I quickly check that all my books are in my bag and shut my locker, as I speed walk to my Math class.

I manage to get to Math on time, as I am greeted coldly by my Math Teacher, Miss Snyder. "Good morning everyone, I hope that you managed to do your Algebra homework yesterday." Miss Snyder says . I quickly get my homework out and try to stay optimistic for the rest of the day. Luckily, I always sit at the back of the class. I hope I am not picked to answer any questions... I can't even speak in front of anybody , because I'm so scared of saying the wrong thing... My parents worry about that side of me, but I can't help it! Nothing is worse than being laughed at and humiliated for saying or doing the wrong thing!

" KATE!!! KATE!!! ARE YOU DAY DREAMING?! ", Miss Snyder asks . " UH - HUH?! ", I say, after awakening from my " day dream ". The whole class echoes in laughter and I get taunting looks from them. I look in horror at this frenzy of pain and humiliation. All my life, I have been told to keep my head down and nobody will hurt me. Every day in school, I'm treated like a freak and I'm sick of it! I wish I had the power to take revenge on the ones that have wronged me! Such "powers" only exist in the world of superheroes and fantasies. Sadly, there is no such thing as the coexistence between the dream world and reality...

"Since we know that you are awake, can you please come to the board to solve a question from the Algebra homework?" Miss Snyder asks. People still let out some giggles, as I make my way to the board. Miss Snyder instructs me, " Please solve for x, if x - 5 = 2x - 7." I write on the board," x - 2x = - 7 + 5 then x=2." Miss Snyder says, condescendingly, "Well done, Kate. Waiting for you to "wake up" was not such a waste of time. Everyone, I hope that you can learn to not be such a terrible student like Kate! "The class erupts in laughter again, as I hurry back to my seat.

My cheeks are stained with my tears, as I look down at the Math Textbook. Miss Snyder calls other students from the back of the class to come and do all the Algebra homework questions. I try to stay strong throughout the lesson, as I try to keep up marking and doing corrections on my homework. Finally the school bell rings, but before people leave the class Miss Snyder reminds us, " Please complete activity 17 on page 68 to 70, I will be checking your answers tomorrow..." We all run out of the classroom, glad that the lesson is over but sad that some of us have to go to Physics class!

Our Physics teacher, Mrs Price divides us into groups of four to do a project on light paths. I'm left to do the project with the three smartest people in the class, Darren, Becca and Steven. They warmly welcome me into the group, as we continue to make lots of progress on our project. Class ends and we all enter the cafeteria.

There is a huge line, as I try to push my way to get all the good food. I manage to grab a fruit parfait, turkey sandwich and water. I look for a table to sit at, but most of the tables are taken. As I try to look for a bench, I see Darren, Becca and Steven waving at me from one of the tables that they are sitting at. I walk to their table in shock, wondering why they want my company!

"Are you ok?" Darren enquires. "Yeah, I'm just wondering why you invited me to your table ..." I respond. "You looked lost and it was clear that you couldn't find any table to sit at.", Steven says. Becca chimes in, "Please sit with us." I thank them and take a seat next to Becca.

As I take a bite of my sandwich, somebody pours an iced Cherry Slushy on my head! I turn around and see Rachel standing behind me with the slushy cup in her hand. "I heard that you love Cherry Slushies. I thought it would be nice to give you a cup of mine. ", Rachel says, in a mocking tone. Every part of me freezes in humiliation, as Rachel laughs at my messy appearance. The cafeteria remains silent for a few minutes, until roars of laughter echo. Darren, Steven and Becca give me a sympathetic look, as they try to get me to leave the cafeteria with them...

Becca quickly takes me to the girl's bathroom, as we try to wash out the Slushy from my hair and clothes. Becca fumes, " Gosh!! There is something wrong with that girl! You did nothing to her ! I don't understand why Rachel enjoys hurting you all the time! " I respond, " Rachel has gotten away with so many things at this school. The torture that I receive from her is endless and she makes my life a misery." " I have seen all the things that Rachel has done to you and - " I hear a loud bang inside the building and I feel it coming closer and closer. Becca and I look at each other in confusion and we run out of the bathroom. As we run down the corridor , we see large claw and paw marks on the walls and lockers of the school !

A scream of a girl is heard in the Chemistry classroom ! Becca looks around and takes the fire extinguisher that is hanging on the wall. We both walk quietly into the classroom. The whole classroom is a mess !!! Chairs and tables are flipped over and the blackboard has multiple large claw marks! As we enter the storage room in the Chemistry classroom, we uncover a horrific site...

A mutilated corpse of a girl lies on the ground , covered in blood! Most of her parts are gone! Her bloodied face was still in perfect condition , despite the horrific damage done to her body ! Her face is familiar, but I am unable to figure out her identity... Becca screams as she runs out of the room and I chase after her. Becca continues to run, until she finds Mr Reynolds, the English Teacher. I rush to the girl's bathroom and enter an unoccupied stall , where I projectile vomit into the toilet! I rinse my mouth out and hear the school bell ring...

Once I reach the English classroom, everybody speaks in hushed voices outside the classroom. I look inside the classroom and see Becca, Mr Reynolds and the school principal, Mrs White talking to each other. I wonder if anybody knows what happened to the girl that Becca and I found... I'm sure people have been eavesdropping, but does anybody know who the murdered girl is?

A loud cry is heard from the crowd. "Her name was Michelle Parker and she didn't deserve to die! " Becca shouts from inside the classroom . Everybody charges into the room, including myself ! Mr Reynolds and Mrs White are startled by our entrance, as everybody starts shouting at them for answers !!! 

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