Chapter 6 - Torn apart

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Firemen run into the school and paramedics begin to swarm around us. We all struggle to keep our composure, as our breathing quickens and our bodies press against each other. There is no escape !

Suddenly, a big black car with flashing blue and red lights at the top , approaches us , with sirens blaring loudly. A tall and muscular , white policeman gets out of the driver's seat. He is wearing a grey suit with a black shirt and a gun strapped to the side of his chest. He looks at all the mayhem , in a cautious manner. With people chattering in the background and others moaning in pain, he shakes his head and goes to one of the police squad cars.

He comes to the front of the crowd and starts talking into a megaphone, " Hello eveybody, I am Sergeant Sam Williams . Please remain calm. My fellow policemen and policewomen will investigate this gruesome incident. We will find and arrest Rachel Diaz for her instigation in this school fight. Mary White , you will also be held responsible for this madness. Please step forward or I will have to ask my team to use extreme measures . " Mrs White comes out from the crowd , looking disheveled with her hair terribly messy and her clothes wet and creased. She holds out her hands and Sergeant Williams puts handcuffs on her.

She begins to cry uncontrollably, as she is forced into one of the police squad cars' . The car she is in, drives off and everybody is left stunned ! Sergeant Williams clears his throat and talks into his megaphone again ," I understand that today has been very traumatic, but my team requires your co-operation during this time... Students, teachers and other staff members of Dark Raven High School , please stay where you are , because we need to investigate the school fight and any information that would help us to find Michelle Parker's murderer. I would highly recommend talking to us , instead of the media. Students , please call your parents or guardians . If anybody has any questions or information, please come and talk to me or any other policeman or woman." At least 10 people walk up to Sergeant Williams after he finished talking.

I look at an ambulance van , with a large group of people, crowded around it. I ask one of the senior boys' about the crowd and he tells me that Ryder is inside the van ! He lost a lot of blood and people want to give him a blood transfusion to save his life, but nobody has O+ blood to give Ryder ! " Hey, my blood group is O+ !!! ", I shout. The crowd separates and they lead me into the van.

The male paramedic looks relieved, as he puts the needle into my arm. My blood is pumped into a bag and the paramedic removes the needle from my arm and applies pressure on my arm , with a cotton ball on the spot where I was poked with a needle. " Thank you for saving this boy's life. Please drink this apple juice or you will faint ! " , The male paramedic says. I sit in the van and drink the apple juice. I feel slightly better and manage to get out from the van, with help from fellow DRHS students.

As I walk away from the ambulance van , I see a big blue van approaching me ! It stops and a bunch of people with cameras and microphones jump out of the van and run towards me... " Hey , were you involved in the school fight in Dark Raven High School ? " , a middle-aged Hispanic Newsman asks. " He holds the mic up to my mouth and I respond, " I didn't fight anybody , but I witnessed the whole fight and -- " The Newsman starts talking to the camera , " I am Dante Gomez and this is DRTV , where I will find out the truth about the school fight in Dark Raven High School ! So, uh---- what is your name again ? " " K--Kate---Kate Foxx . " , I respond , shyly.

" Kate , can you tell me about todays' horrific events ? ", Dante asks , enthusiastically. I clear my throat and reply, " Ye---Yess-- I can. Mrs White, the principal of Dark Raven High School , aka DRHS , gave a speech today about closing down the school for a week. She pretended to be sincere about Michelle's death in her speech , but then she said something very insensitive. She said that Academics, Sports and Culture are still very important to her and we shouldn't let Michelle's death affect us too much ! Isn't that a bitch thing to do ?! "

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