new understandings :1

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-sun and moon woke up and were having breakfast witch was some salmon and seaweed-

Moon"mmm~ this is good!"

Sun"why thank you"

Moon"mhm! Hmm what month is it?"

Sun" april, why?",

Moon"shit! Uh Nothing"

Sun"alright then love?"

-they finished eating and went out to the park to meet up with a fellow friend monty-

Monty"hey guys!"

Sun&moon"hey monty!"

Monty"so truth or dare?"


sun"uh? I'm sorry but moon poker really."

Monty"yeah moon wtf is poker?"

-Moon explains poker to sun & Monty and they went into playing poker moon won 4 rounds and sun won twice-

Sun"that was kinda fun"

Monty"it was boring"

Moon & sun"thats because you lost and broke the fucking table!"

Monty"so what I got mad okay!?"

Moon"dont talk to me like that monty."

Monty"sorry sir!"


Sun"why is he scared of you but not me?"

Moon"problay because I'm not afraid to  cut of his tail and feed him to the sharks."

Sun"wow okay then plz don't do that"

Moon"i won't to u but someone else I would"

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