first encounter.

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"Hello," came the unsure voice. "Hello,you have reached reach out hotline,how may i be of help?" I replied. This has become my daily routine talking to different people with different problems every single day. The person went ahead and described their problem and as expected i did all i could to help out. Which  reminds me of who i was before now.                                                         Thank the heavens for that.                                                                 Whatever you say conscience.                                          "Brenda,you headed for lunch?" Henry my colleague asks me as i step out of my desk area. "Yeah,wanna join?" i kindly offer. Damn mouth! can't shut up. I scold myself inwardly. Don't get me wrong, i'm no introvert,but i do have a thing about my own personal space. I have made a lot of friends ever since i moved here but i haven't really made a real friend in whom i can confide in.                               Probably thats why i haven't gotten over everything. I am a dark skinned lady, 5'6 tall, with black hair that runs past my shoulders slightly,i moved here two months ago after a failed mission. No,i was not a hired killer or snipper,neither was i involved in whatever you are thinking. This is how it all started. Her name was Whitney and she was a very beautiful lady,she was brunette,had tanned skin and big black eyes that lured men her to her path. I had just finished college and had been  looking for work for about six months. Whitney was the C.E.O of the last company i approached. I remember at how angry she was that day.                                                                      "Come in!", came the response from the other side of the door. I twisted the knob slowly praying that whoever it was was not going to let out her frustration on me.                                                                             The door slipped open to reveal a brunette lady whose eyes were on her laptop. Without even looking up she motioned for me to sit down. "So, Miss Steven ,how may i help you on this fine day," she asked,opting to ignore her sarcastic tone, i went ahead and explained myself to her in the nicest and most politest way possible. At first she was bored by my presentation but when i further told her about my family she seemed to have a different expression.                                                                                "It says here in your resume that you are an only child to your parents. Is that so?" she inquired. Battling inwardly i finally decide to tell her. "Yes,it is partially true. My mom and dad split up when i was 12. They both remarried and have other children. I stay with my maternal grandmother." There it was, i just had to bluff about my family life. I slowly lift my head to meet the brunettes soft expression. Wait what! Her lips slowly form a sad smile. I haven't seen that in years. I mutter more to myself.                                                                    " Brenda!", Henry calls snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh-uh,yeah?" I ask. "Shall we?" Henry motions. I smack my forehead slightly for forgetting about lunch. This new life is something i haven't quite adjusted to. Henry leads us to the fast food downstairs.

Over lunch Henry made a point of telling me about his own life. He was really chatty and funny. He was going on about his family when my phone started ringing. "Excuse me," i say getting up,he simply nods and i make my way to the ladies. One look at the caller Id sends me panicking. Its been long since she called. She said that it was all clear and that i wasn't needed anymore. "hello," i say finally picking up. "Brenda,where are? You are in danger!" came the panicked voice of my former boss. "Whats wrong Whitney? am safe. You said i should be discreet about where i move to and i did plus you also told me never to tell you," i reply. "Brenda you have to go away. They found me," she replied and with that the line went dead. This cant be happening i sigh out. If they managed to get to her and she had been the best at being discreet this meant they were already on there way to find me!                                                                                   I  make my way back to the table and pick up my bag. "Henry,i have to leave now. Some family emergency," i tell him as i start to make my out not giving him a chance to reply. "Excuse me ma'am," "yeah," i reply turning around to face the person. I come face to face with the most gorgeous  man i have ever seen. He is about 6'6 tall with broad shoulders,highly toned chest wearing a black t-shirt that hugs him tightly,his eyes stormy grey with really kissable lips. He clears his throat bringing me out of my examination. "uhmm,yes,how may i help you sir?," i ask shaking his hand lightly. His grip is strong. He smirks slowly studying my features. I mentally curse myself wearing my orange maxi skirt and black pull neck sweater. Probably he is gonna tell me to go get changed. Yeah right! coz every stranger who looks like a greek god says that.                                                                        "You dropped this," he says handing over my small purse thats always in my purse. I take it and mumble a thank you before rushingcout like a the coward i am. I quickly get into a cab  and head back to my apartment which i now have to leave since our cover has discovered i guess.                                  

         ~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×                           "Sir,we have been to her department. She isn't there," one of my boys says. I have to know her. She is what i want.                                                                                   "lets leave it at that then boys," i reply. This is the third day after we discovered where the lady who had my whole family killed  lived. We had already been to her apartment but there was not even a single picture of her. All we knew was she was a black lady with red hair now. Thats why i had dismissed the lady i had met earlier on. She looked so fragile. So innocent  and still she had me lusting after her features. Enough of her! Get back to the issue! My mind commands. Bringing me back to the issue at hand. We had the boss of the the lady Black bird captive in her own house. All that was left was to find  Black bird. "Boys lets go wait in her apartment. We will meet her when she comes back." I command. I have to find her and make her pay!

Back at Brenda's apartment.

She finds her door open and in mess. Its been broken into and searched. She quickly gets her things packed up. And decides to leave a small note to her intruders. She now has to start over. AGAIN!! FUCK!! she mentally curses as she makes her way to the lift. The lift opens and out comes some men. She is quick to note that they are not just any men. They are the men who probably have been looking for her. They pass her and head straight down the hall to her apartment. She gets in the lift quickly and just her luck it closes just as one of the men was rushing to the lift. She lets out a sigh of relief . As she gets off the lift carrying her small suitcase with her she spots a familiar  guy in the lobby. He doesn't look her way as he is busy giving out instructions to someone over the phone. She now knows who he is and what he is here for. Her.

She makes a quick exit out of the building and gets into the waiting taxi cab. To the airport please," she gives one look back. There he was talking to the men who had been to her apartment. The taxi guy started the car and in minutes her she was away from them. You have to say he does look sexy with that pissed of look. She mentally thinks. Too bad he is the guy seeking her death.                    Only if she hadn't made some decisions in the past. She thinks slowly. Going back to how she had gotten herself in this mess in the first place. She now had to go far away. A place where she wouldn't strain to fit in.

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