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Looking for a needle in a hay stack is pointless. Thats exactly how hard it was going to be for Brenda to be found. She had gone to Africa,a place where technically almost everyone is dark skinned. She had contacted her close friend Maurice to make arrangements for her stay in Nairobi-Kenya. A place her haunters would never suspect. Having all her tracks covered hadn't been easy especially with the fact that they already had her boss Whitney. Brenda now relaxed in her new house. It was a huge mansion with a swimming pool and a big lawn. The house had a great view to the Ngong' hills which gave the most beautiful scenery. Her new help came back to add her more of the lemon tea that she had now become addicted to. "Madam,i cook what for you?" the lady asks in her broken English. "Wewe pika,pilau and meat stew," she replies with a soft smile. Brenda had slowly started learning the local language and she found herself priding in it. She also had a new liking for the African dishes that her cook would prepare for her though at times she'd crave a snack and the best coffee from Starbucks. She also missed seeing familiar places but for now it had to do. Unless of course she wanted a familiar greek go who hard stormy grey eyes and a perfectly built body that had her nights restless taking her life slowly by the second.

After a while the cook came back to tell her that dinner was ready. She went down to have her meal and asked the cook to join her once again. That was what she had,loneliness. She didn't have anyone else but the lady who made her meals and cleaned her house. The cook joined her and they got into a rather strained conversation where the cook would try her best to speak in English and Brenda would try to figure out what she was saying for she was all she had. The cook was middle aged,probably in her late thirties,she dressed up in buibui which Brenda came to later know as a dressing for Muslims in the area. Her Kiswahili was more tasty than the normal Kiswahili people spoke. More like a song. She also made the spiciest of meals that had her new master appraisal. Brenda couldn't help but release an amused chuckle as the cook explained to her how she made her long time husband cry. It was funny to Brenda for she had never had of an African man crying.

As the clock struck 10pm Brenda slowly retreated upstairs to her room for a good night's rest. She had a warm bath and got ready for bed. Minutes later she was covered up by her comforter and slowly she drifted off to sleep.

What was this place again? She asks herself as she lets her eyes accustom to her surrounding. Everything in the room she is looks familiar and she can also see the familiar feet of the man she had grown to despise for weeks. This man was nothing but the devil to her. His steps came to a stop where her body was curled up in her ball. Her hands shielding away any arm he might want to cause her. "come on,stop being annoying and tell me the whole damn truth!" he says picking her up roughly and forcing her to face him. She looks away from his eyes which are not the normal blue eyes she was used to but now they were dark and one emotion stood out. ANGER. She shakes her head again and he tightens his grip on her wrists. "bitch! you will talk!!" he whispers in a very cold voice that has her her heart stopping. "kill me already!!" she replys now meeting his deadly eyes. He lets out a low blood cuddling chuckle as he pushes her on the bed. She tries to gulp in as much air as she can for she knows whats coming next. He starts punching her.

"kill me already!"she says

"why would i ruin the fun princess"he replies.

"NO! NO! " she shouts louder.
He has managed to take off her tank top leaving her only in her bra. With a small penknife he makes small  circular motions on her bare flat tummy.
"talk," was all he said and all she had to do was shake her head in denial for him to plunge the knife into her jean clad thigh. A scream left her throat as her vision became blurred due to the tears already welling up in her eyes. He made a rubbing movement with the knife in her thigh enjoying the pain she was going through. He then took out the knife in a swift move and watched as blood spluttered everywhere. 

"Tomorrow you'll talk,cupcake." and with that he leaves her to nurse yet another wound.

Brenda woke up panting heavily for the third time in a week. The dream wouldn't stop haunting her sleep. And each night they became worse. She slowly made her way to the small fridge in her room and grabbed the milk carton. Pouring herself a glass of it. This was why she needed the fridge in her room. It helped her every night. She then took a peek at the wall clock. It was just half an hour past 4. A few more hours before her official wake up time. Having no more sleep left she made her way to the balcony doors and opened them. A cool breeze hits her and she goes back to the room and wraps her comforter around herself so that she can go back to her balcony. She sat down on the coach and makes a mental observation of her surrounding. She loves it here. Its peaceful,relaxing and most especially she is not in danger. At least for now. The sounds of crickets and chirping of birds slowly wake up her sleeping body. She stretches herself lazily as a yawn escapes her mouth. Clearly having not have forgotten about her manners she is quick to place a hand over her mouth. And just immediately she hears the door bell ring. She makes her way back to her room to have her bath and change of clothes. As she makes her way downstairs she is drawn to the kitchen by the welcoming aroma of her favourite ginger tea. Mariamu,the cook is busy making the rest of the breakfast.

"Morning Mariamu," she greets

"Mzuri,madam," came her reply. They have a short conversation as they have breakfast and soon enough Brenda has to make her way to the her awaiting car where her new driver, Martin sat patiently. They exchange a few pleasantries before they make their way to her companies branch. Yet another interesting day for her.

"Madam,there is a certain Mr kelvins who wants to see you," my assistant says over the phone. "Let him in," i reply.

My day at work ended sooner than i had expected. I had a lunch meeting with one of the local architects  to have him design some of the buildings we were set on establishing. Later on Mr Kelvin would be coming to my place for dinner. Mariamu had already set the table for two and finished making dinner by the time i made my way back downstairs. The aroma of the different spices used to prepare the meal filled the air. Just then the door bell rung and i made my way to it. Mr Kelvin was a your typical tall,dark and handsome. He had a warm smile on his face. I gave him a warm embrace with a peck on the cheek as i welcomed him in. Mentally i thought maybe i was meant to be with an african guy.

"Kelvin,i hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name," i say. "Fine by me,Brenda,"he says while giving me a charming smile that showed his dimples. Kelvin makes most of my evening pleasant,majorly with his stories about his family and also places he has been to. When we switch to business he proves just how smart he is and very creative. I loved every second of his company up to the point when he wished me a lovely night as he got into his black Mercedes.

Hey people ;)...i just started,totally freaked out on the first chapter.....hope this makes up to it ...i do hope that you are enjoying it....again please vote for me and also help make changes where you see fit...lots of love.

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