Chapter 2

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I groaned as I woke up in immense heat and I sat up with a sigh, I knew it was coming but this was a bit early so I shrugged it off and got up going to the bathroom and taking my pills, so my heat could die down a bit "Hey, Anu was it? Whatcha doing awake?" I jumped and coughed nearly choking on my heat pill{don't ask I forgot what they were called ;-;} "u-uh yeah hi- I just woke up in pain is all-" I sighed swallowing my pill before my scent got too strong, I just hoped he didn't notice it "Uh huh, wanna come watch a movie with me? Bently and Keru fell asleep, so I'm kinda alone" I thought for a second, I guess watching a movie with Zene wouldn't hurt "Uh sure, I would love to" I smiled softly and followed him to the spare room so that we didn't wake the other two in the living room "Anu do you like Horror movies?" He asked me looking over as I wrapped myself in a blanket "Yeah kinda, I've gotten used to them being played because of Keru" Zene chuckled and pressed a random horror movie that I didn't see the name of sadly "So how old are you? I'm curious cause you look a bit young" "Oh um I'm 19" I said looking at him, my heart was racing, he was looking right at me and he was gorgeous "Wow, 19? You look 16, or younger, but pretty nonetheless" "Uh yeah I get that a lot-" I chuckled though deep inside I was dying "That must be annoying" "sometimes is can be, other times I don't care" I shrugged and he hummed

Before I knew it, it was 6:30 in the morning, We stayed up for hours just binging horror movies, I didn't realized my pills were wearing off, both of them, scent blockers don't work as well when I'm in heat so I'm in a bit of a predicament now "Hey Anu you ok?" Zene asked moving his gaze onto me and I just got up "Yeah I'm fine just I'll be right back" I said panicking and I ran into the bathroom grabbing my pills and taking one and sat on the floor waiting for it to kick in "I might need a stronger dose of them soon-..." I said to myself and there was a knock on the door "Anu?" Oh god it's Zene "I'm fine don't worry!" I yelled and covered my face "Oh ok-, I'm going home now with Bently, It was nice meeting you Anu" "Y-yeah you too" I said quickly and covered my mouth as I felt the pills kick in and I sighed

I got up leaving the bathroom and going back to my room, I laid down on my bed and just curled up into my blankets, I'm being honest I hate living here, No one gets me, I'm basically all alone because I'm the only omega in the world apparently, there's really nothing for me and no one can even help me since everyone just thinks I'm a stupid beta.

I think I passed out but I woke up to Keru shaking me gently "hey- Anu, Bear said you rushed out on him, Is everything alright?" I sat up looking at Keru and nodded, I sighed and just decided to tell him the truth since, he'll just find out sooner or later "Hey uhm Keru can I tell you something" He sat down next to me on the edge of my bed and nodded "yeah" He smiled and looked at me "Well uhm- Promise not to tell anyone-.?" He nodded instantly already knowing it was a secret, Keru was good at keeping secrets.

"Well, Keru, I'm an omega-" "WHAT!" "Let me finish- and I'm going into heat, I need stronger pills could you go get some for me-?" "I- wow- But yes! I'm gonna go get your pills, but why do you hide your an omega-?" "Because I'm legit the only omega and everyone would just be all over me trying to touch me" I shivered and he nodded before leaving, I'm kinda glad he's my roommate even though he acts like a hyper child everyday.

After what seemed like forever, Keru finally came back, he took his sweet time to get food after getting the pills "Here's your pills and OH! I also got you some chocolates and snacks!" He smiled and set the stuff down on my side table before leaving my room. I chuckled at that and just took one of the pills and began to eat some chocolates, while watching a movie of course.

4 hours passed and I got up to get a drink and little did I know Keru had invited his friends over again, only Zene to be specific "Oh Anu! I invited Zene over again if you don't mind" "I see- and it's fine, just please stay away from my room" I said calmly and grabbed a drink before going back to my room, I sat on my bed and sighed.

Keru's pov{Yes we're switching to golden retriever}

"What's wrong with Anu?" Zene said after Anu left back to his room "He's just feeling down is all! He needs his time alone" I smiled knowing I couldn't tell Zene because Anu said it was a secret that he was an Omega "Are you sure?" "Positive!" Zene shrugged it off and we put on a movie and I got up grabbing some febreeze because I was gonna cook some food for us and didn't want to risk Zene smelling Anu's scent cause he hadn't taken his pills "Wait Zene what would you like??" "Food" "No like an actual answer! Not a smart alac one!" Zene just shrugged and I sighed and walked into the kitchen spraying the febreeze before I grabbed some food and put it on a pan {Def dino nuggies}, I turned the oven on and set them in before waddling back to Zene quietly "Bear!!!!" I yelled giggling as he looked at me confused "Yes Keru?" "HI!" I smiled, if I had a tail def would be wagging hence why I get called a golden retriever "hello Zene" He sighed with a chuckle.

To be continued...

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