Chapter 1

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Steve sat on his living room couch with a chinese take out box in his hands. The doorbell rang and he groaned loudly. Steve got up and paused the tv, he walked to the door and opened it. On the other side stood his parents smiling brightly.

"Come in, I guess." Steve says and opened the door further.

"Thank you." Sarah says and entered the penthouse. "Oh my God, this looks like your teenage bedroom, but worse."

All over the room were take out boxes, Chinese, Thai, Mexican.

"I'm sorry, I haven't exactly had the time to clean up." Steve says

"When do you have that time?" Sarah asks

"I don't know." Steve says

"And this is how you look outside of work? Sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt?" Sarah says

"I don't have time to do the damn laundry." Steve says

"Son, we gotta talk." Joseph says and put a hand on Steve's shoulder.

"About what?" Steve asks

"Have a seat." Joseph says

Steve sat down on the couch and his mother sat beside him. Sarah grabbed his hand and looked up at him.

"It really hurts us to see you like this." Sarah says

"Like what?" Steve asks

"This! You're wearing dirty clothes, your apartment is a mess and the food you eat is really unhealthy." Sarah says

"Work is just busy." Steve says

"Work is always busy! You don't take weekend off unless I force you to. Sweetheart, you're twenty-eight years old, you shouldn't be like this." Sarah says

"I'm fine, mom. I'm happy and it's all going great." Steve says

"Except your living situation is a dump and you don't have a social life at all." Sarah says

"I got a social life." Steve says

"Really? When did you last see Sam and Bucky?" Sarah asks

"Today at work." Steve says

"And outside of work?" Sarah says

"Well..." Steve says

"Exactly!" Sarah says

"So what do you want me to do? I won't quit my job." Steve says

"We're not asking you to." Joseph says, "But someday you'll have to take over the company and you need someone to take care of you."

"I'm fine on my own." Steve says

"No, you're not." Sarah says, "Just think about it, having someone to be here at home for you when you return from work, and you'll get a clean house, a nice home cooked meal everyday."

"It would be nice, but with my busy life I can't meet anyone." Steve says

"So we did that for you and found a girl." Sarah says and pulled a file out of her purse. "Here's everything you need to know about her, age, job, where she went to school, literally everything."

"You already found someone?" Steve asks

"Yeah." Joseph says, "And we've met her, and she's wonderful."

"Her name is Natasha. She was recruited by Nick's company and now she needs a visa to stay, so it's basically a win-win." Sarah says

"Are you talking about a green card marriage?" Steve asks

"Not exactly. She was very happy to hear that she could help you and stay here." Sarah says, "Please. Just look at the file and think about this."

"Fine." Steve says

"And take a break, just for the weekend." Sarah says

"And maybe take Natasha out for lunch or something." Joseph says

"I'll think about it." Steve says

"Great." Sarah says and got up from the couch. "Have a nice weekend, sweetie."

"You too." Steve says

Joseph and Sarah left the penthouse and Steve looked at the file on the table. He picked it up and flipped it open.

All Steve saw was a decent girl that wanted to leave her home country and start a life here. The only thing she needed was a visa, but her work visa got rejected which meant she had only a couple weeks until she had to leave.


Steve sat down at his parents dinner table for their weekly dinner. His mother put the plates on the table and sat down.

"So." Sarah says, "Have you contacted Natasha yet?"

"No. Why?" Steve says

"Steve, you have to talk to her." Sarah says

"Mom, I don't need anyone in my life. I'm fine." Steve says

"Honey, you're not fine. Please contact her. At least meet up with her for one time." Sarah says

"Maybe you actually like her." Joseph says

"So now you want me to fall in love with this girl?" Steve says

"We haven't said that." Sarah says, "But just give her a chance."

"Fine. We'll get coffee or something." Steve says


Natasha gathered all her belongings together and put them in her bag. She walked outside the building she works at and unlocked her car in the parking lot. She sat inside and heard her phone ring.

"Hello?" Natasha says

"Hi." The man on the other line says, "It's Steve. My parents gave me your number."

"Right." Natasha says

"So, do you wanna grab coffee or something? Just to talk about the idea of this." Steve says

"Yes. Of course." Natasha says, "Does Saturday 10am sound good?"

"Perfect. What about The Three Witches?" Steve says

"Sounds nice, I've never been there." Natasha says

"Great. I'll see you then." Natasha says

She hung up and put her phone back in purse. She sighed and started to drive home.

it's a short first chapter, but it's just an introduction kinda.

I hope you like this story so far!

comments are always welcome,
and feedback is well appreciated!

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