Chapter 5

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"Don't you look handsome?" Sarah says as Steve was fixing his tie while looking in the mirror.

"Thanks, ma. But you've seen me multiple times before in a suit, so what's the occasion?" Steve says

"Oh, you know me too well, Steven." Sarah says, "I want you to give this to Natasha." She held out a ring to Steve. "Your father gave it to me as a promise ring when we didn't have a lot of money, he told me he would get me a bigger one when we would finally make our dream come true."

"Mom..." Steve says

"Listen. I know you and Natasha don't know each other well, but I'm sure you will grow to each other and perhaps there will be love." Sarah says

"Mom, I can't accept it." Steve says

"Steve, me and your father discussed this. You're taking the ring and someday you will give her a ring you chose when the moment is right. Besides we can't have an engagement party with a ringless bride." Sarah says

"Thanks, mom." Steve says

"Now, Natasha is waiting for you in the hallway, I suggest you put this on finger and take her downstairs." Sarah says, she patted Steve's cheek and walked out of his room.

Sarah's ring was burning in his hand. Steve looked over at his nightstand and saw the box with the ring and necklace he chose out for Natasha on the nightstand.

Steve sighed and walked out of the room. He saw Natasha standing in the hallway in a beautiful black sparkly dress. Her red locs were in curls flowing over her shoulders.

"Wauw." Was all Steve could say

"Thank you." Natasha says, she blushed slightly and pushed away a string of hair from her face. "You look nice too."

"Thanks." Steve says, "I, uh, got something for you." He stepped closer to her. "My mom wanted me to give you this. It was my mother's ring before my dad got her another one. She thought it would be fitting for us."

"Wauw, that's really nice of her." Natasha says

"And you can't be ringless at your own party, can you?" Steve says and placed the ring on her finger.

"No, I can't." Natasha says and smiled at him.

"Ready to go?" Steve asks

"Yeah." Natasha says

Steve held out his arm and Natasha unhooked hers through it. They walked to the edge of the staircase and all the people downstairs looked up at the two.

"Here we go then." Steve says

They walked downstairs and were soon greeted by everyone. Tons of people gave them a "congratulations" and "I'm so happy for you two", the couple took it with a smile as they passed through everyone.

A while later Steve started to chat with some friends from work and Natasha made her way to the bar.

"Can I get a vodka, please?" Natasha asks

"It's not even been thirty minutes since this party started and you're already going on the hard stuff? Whatever happened to champagne?" A woman beside Natasha asks

Natasha looked aside and saw a familiar woman. "You're Wanda, right?"

"Yes, I am." Wanda says, "So, no champagne?"

"If I need to meet a hundred people today, I need to have a little motivation." Natasha says

"You know there's about two hundred here?" Wanda asks

"Dear Lord." Natasha says

"Make it a double." Wanda asks the bartender

"Are you sure? It's only been thirty minutes since the party started and mrs Rogers didn't want any wasted people here." The bartender asks

"It's for the bride." Wanda says

"Alright." The bartender says and added more vodka to Natasha's drink.

"I'll take champagne though." Wanda says

The bartender placed down their drinks and Natasha immediately reached for hers and chunked it down.

"Hey, slow down." Wanda says

"I need the alcohol fast." Natasha says

"And that's the best way to do it?" Wanda asks

"Yeah." Natasha says, "So how do you know Steve?"

"Oh, well I'm his best friend Bucky's girlfriend." Wanda says

"Who's Bucky?" Natasha asks

"You haven't met Steve's friend yet? Come I'll introduce you." Wanda says and took Natasha's hand to pull her across the room to Steve. "Steve, I just heard you haven't introduced Natasha to your friends."

"Well I didn't want to overwhelm her." Steve says

"She just had a double vodka, I think she's good." Wanda says

"Right." Steve says, "Well this is Bucky, as you probably heard, Wanda's boyfriend. Then we got Sam, Thor, Bruce and..."

"Tony Stark, nice to meet you." Tony says and immediately shook Natasha's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Natasha says

"So where are your dates?" Wanda asks

"Around here somewhere, we lost track of them when we entered." Sam says

"You'll meet them soon." Wanda says

"Okay, so guys this is my fiance, Natasha." Steve says and pulled Natasha closer to him.

"You are very beautiful, miss Natasha." Thor says

"Thank you." Natasha says

"So where are your friends? Has Steve met them?" Wanda asks

"Oh, no. I don't really have friends." Natasha says

"That's so sad. I'll be your friend!" Wanda says

"Okay." Natasha says

"Nat, I see Fury over there. Do you want to say hello?" Steve asks

"Of course." Natasha says

The two walked through the crowd to Nick Fury, who was currently talking to Steve's parents.

"Steve!" Sarah says

"Hello, Steve." Fury says

"Fury." Steve says

"Hello, Natasha. You look absolutely stunning." Fury says

"Thank you, Nick." Natasha says and they hugged.

"I'm sure you two will be happy together, even though you two don't feel like it now." Fury says

"Thank you." Steve says

"Are you two enjoying yourselves?" Joseph asks

"Mhm." Natasha replied

"Yeah, it's nice. Thank you for organizing this." Steve says

"Of course! My only son is getting married, I always thought about doing this." Sarah says

"And we are very happy you are doing this." Natasha says "I can't imagine the stress I'd be under without Sarah's help. Planning a wedding within a month is insane."

"That's very nice of you Natasha." Sarah says

"Now if you'll excuse me, I am very thirsty, so I am going to grab a drink." Natasha says and left the conversation.

I'm back with a new chapter!
hope y'all still like the story so far!

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