You'll be okay

13 4 6

Jack's: POV

"Adam." I called. He went to the living room and covered his mouth. "What has happened?" he asked, while he was patting Annabelle's bruised cheek. "I found her unconscious in her room." I said. "She's not breathing." replied Adam panicked.

I picked up my phone and called 911. Adam wrapped her in blanket. "The ambulance is on its way." he said. "You'll be okay, sweetie." I replied. "We love you so much." he whispered. The ambulance arrived and we followed her to the hospital. It breaks my heart to see my little girl hurt.


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A nurse came in to talk to us. "Annabelle has an easy concussion." she said. "Will she be okay?" asked Adam worried. "Yes." said Nadine. "Thank God." I replied. Nadine gave her a teddy bear and a balloon. "Thank you." she said shyly. "You're welcome dear, I hope you feel better soon." she said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much, we are so grateful." I replied. "I'm glad Annabelle will be okay." said Nadine. "Me too." I replied. Annabelle waved at her and she waved back. I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms. I put a blanket on her and carried her to the car. She slept all the way home.

Annabelle is so precious. Please protect her at all costs.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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