I love my little sister

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Adam's: POV


August 18th 1994: New York

"Adam." called dad. "What is it?" I asked. "Your little sister is born." he said. A happy smile appeared on my face. "Come." said Elliot. We walked into the room and mom smiled at us. A baby was lying in her arms. She placed a kiss on her forehead.


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"She's so cute." I said. "I'll name her Annabelle." replied mom. "It suits her." I said. "You'll be a great brother to her." replied Elliot. "Thanks dad." I said. "Do you want to hold her?" asked Olivia. "Yes." I said. She lay her gently in my arms. She opened her blue eyes and looked at me.

"Hey Belle, I'm your brother Adam." I said. She giggled softly. "I love you baby sister." I said. She started crying, but calmed down when I sang a lullaby. "I don't let anybody hurt you." I whispered softly.


I was playing with her and read books. Our parents smiled softly at us. Dad had his arm around mom.

"She couldn't ask for a better brother." said Olivia. "I'll protect her with my life, nobody is allowed to hurt my sister." I replied. She hugged us and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you and Annabelle so much." she said. "I love you too." I replied.

-End of the flashback-

Adam is an amazing brother to Annabelle.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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