On a lonely shore

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Taeye could barely move her body, all she  could feel were the rays of the setting sun spooning her in light.

"Will I ever be happy?" She muttered in her language. Her dragon companion had concealed itself to the human eyes and was now lingered over her face.

"She's awake!" A voice shouted. Taeye began to panick her breath heavy,  Virion noticed and  snuggled onto her clothes calming her down.(Her kimono)

Taeye slumped up, eyes slowly fluttering open

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Taeye slumped up, eyes slowly fluttering open. "This isn't my lucky day. Is it." She gathered her strength to her knees and stood up.
Gasps were heard.
"She's a goddess!"
"Are you royalty?!"
"Such beauty!"
"Her mana is immense! Is she even human?!"

Taeye glared them down, sure she had washed up in their country but were they seriously just gonna stare at her? What if she was dying would they have just watched with awed faces?

More mumers erupted into the crowd. She tried desperately to  understand even a word they'd said, she began to grow frustrated and in a moment of anger she accidentally zapped them all.

"Hey!" Taeye panicked and began sprinting down the coastal line running as fast as her feet could take her.

Out of the water she saw a figure emerge. A  girl with reddish/magneta hair ran towards her. Her run turned to a steady stop.

"Miss are you alright? Would you like me to heal you?" The girl walked forward. The girl was awestruck by the beauty who  stood before her, her deep brown eyes shone with confidence.

Taeye stood there puzzled- she didn't understand a word she said- why was everyone so  weird .

The girl stopped and took a closer look, the lady was drenched and wearing foreign cloth, she had a small red dragon on her shoulder.
"It's so cute!" She pointed at virion who relaxed sensing she was not a threat.

Taeye remained silent, staring deep into the girls eyes.

"Oh! My name is Kahono!" She smiled and began to sing.

Taeye's body felt lighter. She bowed to Kahono. "Oh no! You don't have to do that!" She laughed nervously. Perplexing Taeye even more.

Taeye remained in her spot, ofcourse she could get virion to explain, but it was better not to attract more attention than she already had.

"Can you understand me?" Kahono questioned recieving nothing but a blank stare from taeye.

"Okay hold two fingers up if you can," Kahono instructed. Taeye as confused as ever squinted her eyes in concentration. 'maybe I can pick up a few words i might understand.'

Kahono nodded in acknowledgement coming to the final conclusion that, this beautiful woman before her, Was not from the clover kingdom, diamond or spade kingdom leaving only one possibility.

Kahono pointed towards the sea. Taeye nodded earnestly.

" From the other side huh?" She looked back and forth before pointing towards a tower.

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