To you my dear friend,

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Taeya PoV.

"Please!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Our home had just been invaded by a group of samurai. My father lay on the floor drenched in crimson.

"What a shame," some laughed.

"Then abide, you must marry our leader," One of the samurai stepped forward a smirk on his face. He began to kneel a hand outstretched for me.

"You're so beautiful, my love. Truly you are a goddess, let us be wed," he smirked.

"No! You pig stay away from me!" As my foot came in contact with his face I  scurryied to my feet.

"First you invade my home, murder my father..... Then ask for marriage?! Are you sick?!" A wave of anger washed over me, the tears I held back threatening to release.

The samurais scowled and yelled insults.

"Stop." The man I kicked in the face stood to his feet. "If you think we're so sick, watch,"
He grabbed my hair, the pain overwhelming, I struggled and kicked to set myself free.
"You're Monsters! Monsters I tell you!" I grabbed the closest thing near me. My fan. The men ridiculed me, laughing and taunting.

"Then listen, you are nothing but a useless woman. While we men work, fight in the battlefield, all you women do is slouch around, You're lucky I took a liking to you. princess hino,"

I shut my eyes in pain. Was it really the end? After the clan massacre Yami was suspected and sent away, now that his aunt is married to a king she's after my throat too.

What has become of the royal family of the hino clan?

I, Taeye next in line to the throne, had my people murdered, my brother taken by sickness, my father killed before my eyes,my mother exiled, my best friend banished...

In a spur of anger I whipped out my fan, using the sharp blade to cut into my captors wrist. I summoned Virion in his full form. "Burn them all,"
Flames enveloped the whole land.

The shouts of those caught in the fire reached the heavens, My eyes caught in a trance,' if you want to take my freedom,prepare to sacrifice yours,'

My whole life i was told my duty was to wed and create powerful offspring, I tried so hard to exile those thoughts, i only wanted marriage out of love.

Not appearences,
Not Offspring,
Not power,
Just love.

It came to the point where I couldn't stand the thought of marriage, people only seeking me out for my power, as the heir to the hino clan or to simply create powerful children to use as tools.

I trained so hard, everyday practicing my magic, Spacial Telekinesis (Mindscape) an ability passed on to me after my brother died.
Spacial Telekinesis allows  me to create my own domain, free from the mortal world, that only me and my descendants can access.
I can physically travel into it or travel through people's minds, their memories,  to the point where I can control their bodies.

I mastered Mana zone, allowing myself to communicate with anything that has a similar mana affinity as me. While my fan allows me to harness virions power. Virion is my closest companion.

I met Virion around the age of 5, he is the spirit of elements, he chose me when I was a child and grew with me, teaching me different techniques. He especially specialises in fire as he is related to the spirit salamander.
Most of the time I would run away to play with Yami by the shore, we would make jokes and crack up at how stupid they were.

Until the hino massacre.

The shrills of the dead were heavy in the air, my heart rapidly beating. Memories of the massacre flashing before my eyes.

"Come we must go," virion called out to me lowering himself to the ground. Grey clouds began to gather as night was on its way.

" So be it," I leapt onto his back, he flew me to the dock.

"Across from here should be the clover kingdom," he muttered. "It's the safest option,"

I nodded. My eyes glanced at the boat before me, it had a tight rope attached to a log of wood inbedded deeply in the ground.

"Hey you!" I heard a voice behind me, it was a samurai from before. "I will kill you if it's the last thing I do!"
He ran towards me, his blade out.

I began to lower the boat, my hands working fast.
Virion transformed into his smaller self, perching on my shoulder.

An idea came into mind.

He neared closer, my eyes wide with anger.
'he must really want to die huh?' I grabbed the hook and through it at him, as it nestled around his fat waist. I pulled him with all my might, his body flew over the edge. Cutting the rope that held the boat up.

The boat hit the sea with shocking force. My arms tried to keep me steady as the raging waves pulled the boat around.

My body was soaked to the brim, I looked up at the moon, which shone through the grey clouds. My whole body shivered a wave of tears pouring down.

"Papa... I'm sorry.." tears poured down, not even virion who has snuggling against me could calm me down.

Another wave hit the boat. The force sending my body forward before everything went black.

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