Rihanna's Behavior

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(Ciara's P.O.V.)

The whole day the next day, I was worried about the whole Rihanna situation. I didn't really want to see her, not because I didn't like her. Because I know she doesn't like me, that's why. And I hope Bey doesn't invite me over when she's there also. I won't be able to face her unprepared.

When five rolled around, I finished the ending part to a song, and decided to record it later. My co-songwriters packed up and left for today, leaving me alone to collect my thoughts. If Rihanna's back around, I won't be able to hang with Bey all that often, 'cause I don't want to be near Rihanna. But, Bey would think I'm ignoring her, and I don't want that at all. So, how should I go about this? Sighing, I got my things and left the room and building. I went home, got ready, and texted the hostess that I'll be right on my way. It was a few minutes from six, and I wanted to be there by 7:15, so I immediately departed the house.

Bey: Okay. Hurry, can't wait for you to be here!!! :D

Something's up. I can tell by the tone of the text message. She's never usually this excited for something. Did she have something to tell me? Perhaps a surprise? Nevertheless, I continued driving to her house.

"Ci! You're here!" Bey exclaimed, giving me a hug.

"Umm, you just saw me yesterday," I chuckled, patting her back.

We pulled away, and Bey grabbed my hand to pull me to the dining room. I felt some sort of...spark, and gasped a little. She must have heard, 'cause she glanced back at me with an, "You okay?"

"Y-yeah." I brushed off the spark thing, not wanting to tell her and explain it all. It would be kinda weird.

The dining table was sat down all nice and neat, a white tablecloth covered the top of the surface, with candles and neatly laid out platters and silverware. Very classy compared to yesterday's bare table of boredom.

"Whoa, am I hosting a date or something?" I joked, but with a hint of seriousness. She's told me a lot about Jay and how she feels, and for her to have found someone else would be a huge accomplishment. Was this why she hurried me up?

"Oh, Ci. You and your humor!" Bey swatted her hand before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Where's Blue?"

"Her dad's." Bey appeared with some delicious-looking pasta on a silver tray. She placed one on each of the three placemats. So, I'm eating with them?

"Babe, I'm ready!" A womanly voice called upstairs, leaving me confused. I had no idea she liked girls, not that I hate it or anything. Because I don't.

Bey grinned happily as the kitchen door opened to reveal--

"Rihanna?!?" I exclaimed, seeing a peek of brunette hair, then seeing the whole person. "You're dating Rihanna?"

Rihanna screwed up her eyebrows. "Dating? Who's on a date?"

Bey chuckled amusingly. "No, I wanted the three of us to have dinner! Together!"

My whole world ended right then. I swore I said not to have us together! 'Cause Rihanna's been best friends with her longer, and if a fight breaks out between us--which I hope not--of course she'll pick Rihanna's side.

Rihanna gave me a little smirk, and I turned away so I couldn't look at her. "So, um, Bey? Could I talk to you?" I asked, scratching my ear. Something I did when I'm annoyed.

"Sure!" She answered, preppily, bouncing out the room with me following. We ended up in the living room, where it was cleaner and like the kitchen. Classy.

"Why did you invite her? I told you I'm not at best terms with her!" I whispered.

"Exactly why I invited her here!" Bey exclaimed in a whisper. "So you two can be alright and be buddy-buddy with each other! Besides, you're a great person, and I think she wants to atleast try to be nice."

Crossing my arms, I sighed. "Fine. But if she does one thing offensive, I'm out of here. Okay?"

"Okay! Now, lets go!"


Throughout dinner, I kept noticing Rihanna look at me. Willing myself not to even glance at her, I had no reason why or how she was looking at me. My focus remained on Bey the entire time, and if the brunette asked a question, I'd answer looking at my plate. She was making me very uncomfortable, but I wouldn't say anything about it to make the woman to the left of me upset.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I announced suddenly, standing up. "Excuse me."

Quickly, I went to the bathroom, and shut and locked the door. My head was spinning, and I had to calm it down. I slid my body down the door, to the cool floor, and put my head in my hands. The Rihanna thing was killing me. Why hasn't she said an insult to me yet? Why was she looking at me? And why am I worried about all of this? By all means, I want us to be somewhat friends, but my nerves are so bad right now. I can't even think properly. Was she waiting for a good time to embarrass me?

A knock sounded on the door, and I moved away to open it without giving another thought to it and whom it may be. For all I know, it could have been a killer that's been hiding in the house this whole time. But, as the door opened, I noticed it was Rihanna. Wait, what?

I got up and sat on the edge of the spacious tub, away from the door. Now was definately not the time to deal with her. "Wh-what do you want?"

"Oh, c'mon, Ci. Don't act so shy with me. I just wanted to pop in and check if you were alright." Her accent was stronger than usual, which made me think either her tour was in her home place, or she willed it to be that way. I hope it was the first one.

"I'm not acting shy. I just want to be alone for a minute, okay?" My voice waivered, and I mentally cursed myself.

"Mmhmm. Listen, I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately, but I want to overlook it. And maybe we can be friends?"

Her face was full of sincere, and she even had a little smile on her face. Yet, something inside me said that something was wrong. I took a look at the situation. The door was closed, and locked, and she had me trapped on the tub. If I moved to get around her, I'd have to fall in the tub, which was not happening. But, she was extremely close to me, too much for my liking.

"Friends? Maybe. But, could you move away a bit?"

Instead, she sat right beside me. I felt even more uncomfortable, but stayed put. She would probably block the door if I moved, so no use in trying to escape. What made even more weird was her hand placed itself on my thigh. I removed it, but she put it right back on me.

"Could you please stop?" I asked, in almost a scared voice.

"Shhh. I have always wanted to do this."

"Do what? Invade my personal space in Beyoncé's bathroom?"

Rihanna chuckled before moving in more. "No, silly. You were always such a funny girl."

She leaned in more, and I was pressed against the wall by her. My heart rate increased as our faces were only inches apart, and I squeezed my eyes and mouth shut. God, I hope she wasn't about to do what I think she is. Her cool hand slid to the side of my face as she closed the space in between us.

Not Expected [BeyoncexCiara] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now