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"RUN!" I yelled as I quickly ran and grabbed sams hand

"Holy shit!" Richie yelled as he ran

"Sam, come on!" I yelled as I turned around.

"Run! Go, go, go! Go!" Richie yelled as we all ran into the basement.

"Oh, my God... Tara!" She said as she was running towards the door

"Wait, no, Sam" Richie said he grabbed her by her arm

"She has a gun,There are always two killers" he said as he looked at her

"Sam, please put the knife down." He plead as Sam pointed the knife at him making me back up a bit

"Look, I think...I think the other killer might be Tara." He said making me look at her.

"What fuck hell no, why would she be a killer and hurt her own self." I yelled at him

"What?" Sam said as she looked at Sam

"She's the one that brought us here" he said looking at me and Sam

"and you two have been estranged for years,I well do you really know her?" He said making me look at him

"Better than I know you" she said as she ran out making me follow her

"Sam, wait Sam!" He yelled as we ran out.

We immediately ran upstairs and looked in every room. As we were checking a room we heard noise coming from the closet.

I grabbed a lamp and walked to the door as i slowly turned the door nob to find Tara tied and her mouth ducked taped.

"Tara holy shit your okay." I said as got down to there level.

"Wait Matthew." Sam said as she pulled me back.
"Sam don't fucking tell me you believe Richie theory,I was fucking there to save her when she was getting attacked, I was"I yelled at her making her look at me than at Tara.

She gave me the knife and I cut the rope off and took the duck tape off. "Hey take this and hide okay." I said I looked at her and kissed her.

She nodded and walked out. "You and my sister?" Sam asked as we walked out the room "no the time to explain"I said as we heard gun shots being fired.

We ran downstairs and saw ghost face trying to get the gun. But Sam ran and grabbed it.

"Yes! Yes!" Richie said as he walked over to Sam

"Shoot him!" Sidney yelled making me look at Sam

"Thank God you're okay,Cause I really,really wanted to be the one to kill you" Richie said as he stabbed Sam.

I was going to run but ghost grabbed me and pushed me down.

I looked up and looked at Sam and Richie. I felt like shit for not being able to help her.

"Sit the fuck down, Prescott!" He yelled as he pointed the gun at her. He looked at Sam and slowly twisted the knife.

Sam started to fall to the ground in pain. Ghost face took the mask off raveling Amber. Richie handed her the gun and pointed it at Sidney pulling her from her hair and putting it to her head.

"I can't believe this worked" Richie said as he took Tara's extra inhaler out of his pocket

"I know It's a bummer it's me,But it really was
the best choice for the movie" he said as he  turned the voice box on and smiled and laughed

"This isn't a fucking movie!" I yelled at him making him look at me

"No But it will be,That's the point, right, Amber?" He asked Amber with a smirk

{trust no one} Tara carpenter Where stories live. Discover now