Fuck your ending

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"She's not here" Amber yelled from the living room

"What the fuck do you mean, she's not here?" Richie said standing up

"She's not here!" Amber yelled at him

"I untied her" I said smiling looking at him

"Guess you're not as persuasive as you thought" Sam said smirking . The phone rang making Richie jump a bit

"That's for you" Sam said

"Yeah, like your gimpy little sister's
gonna make a difference She's our fucking pincushion at this point Amber! Fan out
She couldn't have gotten far" he said looking at Sam

"I can't find her!" Amber yelled but than we heard grunting and yelling

"Amber?" Richie asked walking over to the doorway making Sam get up and push him pointing the gun up to the air.

I quickly got up and ran grabbing the other gun as Sam ran out, I quickly ran to Tara and helped her get up.

"Hey take this im gonna go help Sam" I said as I handed her the gun and I grabbed the knife. "Be safe." She said as she looked at me

"I will but go now." I said making her nod. I grabbed the knife and walked to the the living."WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU RICHIE." I yelled as I looked around. I heard yelling coming from upstairs making me run up the stairs.

I saw Richie chocking Sam making me run and grab him. "Sorry about this." I said before stabbing him in the stomach. He looked at me before head butting me making let go off him.

"You fucker" I yelled as I help my nose with one hand and the other hand holding the knife.

Him and Sam were in the verge of falling off the stairs as I got up. As I was going to stab him he punched me in my face making me fall backwards and him and Sam fall of the stairs.

"FUCK" I yelled as I my nose started to bleed and blood started to run down my head down to my face.

I got up and saw Richie about to shoot Sam.
She grabbed the knife as Richie was distracted looking at her and talking.

"Never fuck,with the daughter of a serial killer" Sam said before stabbing him in the neck making him fall back and drop the gun.

I quickly ran to him and stabbed him in stomach and slowly going up with the knife inside of him.

He looked at me as blood fell out of his mouth. I took the knife out and Sam started to stab him multiple times

"What about... my ending?" He asked as he was on the floor bleeding out

"Here it comes". Sam said smirking as she silted his neck open making him bleed out.

I mailed as I helped her up and looked at her. "We make a good bad ass team"I said smiling making her laugh.

Sidney and Gale walked ima me stood next to us.
Sam dropped her knife onto the floor

"Careful, they always come back"  Sidney said but Sam grabbed the gun out of gale's hand and shoot Richie 3 times.

"Okay,than." Gale said making me chuckle a bit
We hear screaming and turn around to see Amber who's face was half burnt off with a knife.

Just as I was about to stab her someone shot her in the Brain. I looked to my left to see Tara standing there hood the gun.

"I still prefer The Babadook." She said as she walked over to us. Sam quickly walked to her and hugged her.

I smiled as they hugged each other. I looked down as I saw more blood was gushing out of my wound. "Holy shit are you okay." Tara asked as she walked over to me and wiped some blood off my face. "Never been better." I said as a bit of blood stared to come out of my mouth.

Cops and nurses rushed into the house and helped us walk out. "I'll take him from here" a nurse said as she grabbed me and helped me onto the gurney. "I'll be okay I said as I looked at tara.

"I watched as the brought Mindy and Chad out. We all gave each other a thumbs up as the put us into the ambulance.

1 month later

"Is that all your stuff?" I asked Tara as I got off the moving truck.

"Yup it is." She said smiling and giving me soft kiss. I smiled as we pulled apart.

"Guys let's go!" Sam yelled as she walked out.
"Can't believe we're really going to colloid New York." I said making Sam laugh and Mindy just chuckle.

"Hopefully we get to live our lives." Chad said making me laugh a bit. "Yea hopefully." I said
"But let's get going we got a long way ahead of us." I said as I walked over to the car.

"New York here we come." I said making Tara and Mindy laugh.

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