{the call}

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I was now leaving the hospital and heading back home. I couldn't see Tara until tomorrow. I called a taxi that drive me to Tara's house.

I got in my car as cops were still there. I drove back to my home in pain from the cut.

It wasn't bad but it hurt like a bitch. I walked into my house and sat in my couch texting the group chat and letting them know what happened.

We all agreed to go see Tara tomorrow after school. I walked into my room as I walked into my bathroom room to take a shower and get cleaned up.

Next day
school was now over me and the group we're walking over to some benches to sit down.

"Man I'm so fucking exhausted." I said as I sat next to Mindy and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You and me both." Chad said making me laugh a bit.

As we're taking amber brought up me and chads bruises.

"They said tara fought back you and Chad both have bruises and not to mention you have a stab wound." She said she raised her eyebrows.

"You do realize we're in football and I got this stab wound when I was saving Tara" I said defending me and Chad

"I'm just saying." She said putting her hands up in defense. "Hey liv isn't that guy from summer?" Mindy asked as she looked at the guy lib had hooked up with during summer

"Yea it is,what fuck is he doing here?" She asked as we all looked at him he blew a kiss at liv making me and chant make a disgusted face.

"Bro why dose he look that," Wes said making me spit my water out and laugh at what he said

"What I'm jus asking" he said as liv looked at him and rolled her eyes

"Get the fuck out of here Michael Myers." Chad yelled making the guy flip him off making Chad stand up.

Woah now buddy don't wanna cause a scene in front of a cop." I said I pointed at Wes's mom.

He looked at the guy before sitting down. He got into his car before leaving. "Well that's was wired" Mindy said making me agree with her.

"I'm gonna head to the hospital to see you guys coming?" I asked as as I stood up and grabbing my backpack.

"Yea I'll come." Chad said "same" luv said along with Wes,Mindy and amber.

"Okay than let's go" I said as I held my car keys.
Amber and Mindy went in Mindy's car while wes,Chad,liv and me drove in my car

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