Vernon X Reader

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Pairing: Vernon X AFAB reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
Summary: After long days of not seeing each other, the members of Seventeen decide that it would be a good idea to invite you to the set to cheer up a sulked Vernon.
Word Count : 1,9K

It had been days since you had last had a nice meal with your boyfriend of 6 months, promotions were tight and the comeback was soon, this was to be expected by you. You did know the relationship came with strings attached that could never be cut.

The two of you had met 6 months prior to the comeback's announcement after meeting on a lonely winter night by the Han River. It was cringy and it was cheesy, but you wouldn't change the fact that your drunkness had caused you to trip over Hansol's leg, which was indeed tucked away and not on your way like you argued that day.

He apologized nonetheless, and you continued on your drunk arguing, finger pointed at him as you accused him of purposefully tripping you, which had never been the case. It wasn't any better when the man laughed at your actions causing you to get even redder with anger. A sudden wave of sickness hit you hard the next second, and before you even knew it you were doubling over and puking your dinner and cheap soju on the man's shoes.

The poor man was surprisingly nonacholantic to it all, and simply patted your back awkwardly as you emptied your stomach on his brand new shoes, that sure made you sober up and after heaving on top of him you woke back to life, standing up straight with wide eyes and covering your mouth.
“I’m so sorry!” You hurriedly said bowing fully at 90º, which was probably not the best idea as you felt your head throb.
“argh” you moaned in pain, grabbing onto your head.

“Are you okay?” the man asked you, your eyes looking ahead, his head lowered to look at you, worry flashing through his eyes, you nod standing back up.
“Your shoes…I’m sorry” you repeated, lips tight into a line as you eyed the disgusting cover on them.
"It 's fine. Really. Are you really okay though? Have you sobered up?” He joked, a slight smile on his face. Your face thankfully already red, doesn’t showcase the way your whole body burned up in embarrassment.

“I think so… I will pay for the cleaner-” you grimaced at the sight of his poor shoes.
“I’ll buy you new ones” you offered, sloppily reaching for your handbag, only to realize that it wasn’t there.
Frantic arms move around your body as your eyes move like crazy looking around the whole place.
“Did you lose something?” he questions, eyes also searching around.
“My…my bag” you sigh, hand moving from grabbing your head to your hair, brushing your hair away from your face.

“Gosh, I’m so stupid…”You mumbled, angry because you’re sober and recalling that you just lost your job and now angry because you’re sober, jobless and lost your wallet, phone and house keys.

You didn’t know it then, you didn’t get why he kept asking what color your bag was, the size and what belongings were inside along with your name. You soon learned that he was an idol as he removed his hood and mask.
He was none other than Vernon from Seventeen and he had just posted about a ‘friend’ who had lost her purse.

Shock wasn’t the best word to describe your feeling when you found out who he was, all of you wished to have superpowers so that you could make yourself disappear and erase his memory of you. Not only was he a famous idol whose group you knew and liked. But he was also your favorite member of said group…

It was a memorable event for the two of you, as by the end of the night and beginning of dawn you had bought him shoes at a local store that was somehow still open.
And then someone claimed the bag as a missing item and Hansol accompanied you to said location of the person who had in hand your belongings to make sure that it wasn’t a hoax nor dangerous.
The person was a girl, also a fan who handed you the bag and whom Vernon spoke to, thanking her deeply with you bowing in the background and thanking her for your life.

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