Fluffy! (Julie X GN!Reader)

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I didn't @ ya incase ya didn't want me too, so sorry about that!!

sorry if this is short too, I really didnt know what to put!!

Mistakes may vary because not proofread!!

i also didn't know if ya wanted platonic or romantic... soo i went with romantic!

and i went a bit over board with  this... its not only what they requested but i still hope ya like it!!


use of Y/N


         You sat on your couch watching TV while Julie was sitting on the floor playing Jacks. Every time she would drop the ball it would end up going near you or it ended up hitting you. You didn't mind though; it was actually amusing to you. She seemed to never get tired of playing the silly game. Julie would also occasionally look at you and beg you to play with her.

    "Come on, Y/N, play with me!!" Julie exclaimed. You giggled at her and tiredly shook your head. "Ughh, what is up with you today??" She asked dropping the ball again and picking up some of the Jacks.

   "I am very, very tired today, Julie" you sighed out sitting up a bit. Julie dropped everything she had in her hand. You watched as the Jacks fell and the ball roll away while Julie stood up and jumped on the couch next to you. She hugged your arm and nuzzled into it, the fluff of her hair was in your face tickling your nose.

  "What is bothering you?" She asked as she moved your arm rather harshly so she could lay her head on your lap. She looked up at you and smiled while she folded and rested her hand on her stomach. You giggled and put your fingers in her hair gently brushing through it. She would occasionally sigh and close her eyes. It was quite odd to see her like this, normally she was energetic and loud not relaxed or quiet. "We can do loads of things! We can take a walk, we can sing, oh! I know! We can visit Wally and Barnaby! What do you want to do?" she exclaimed. 

  "Nothing... I am just tired," you say shaking your head tiredly while running your fingers through her hair slowly and making little curls on the ends. Julie hummus in response opening her eyes and putting both hand on your cheeks gently squeezing and squishing them up and down.  You giggle at her actions which she responded with a huge smile and leaning up to do a quick peck at your cheek then plopping back down on your lap. You giggled at this and put your hands back in her hair and puffed it up. "I love how fluffy your hair is," you say giggling while making puffy shapes out of her hair.  Julie squealed in response and giggled. Julie didn't mind that you were making puffy characters and animals out of her hair, all that mattered to her was just happy to see you cheer up. Julie giggled when she seen your eyes drooping to a close and when you placed your head on the fluff of her hair. 

  "Sweet dreams Y/N..."


once again sorry for this being short!! i had a great idea that i couldn't put in words but i tried to!! still hoped you liked it!

imma do the pt2 of 'Those eyes" soon! but feel free to request if ya want to!!





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