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He kissed me. Then I felt his warm hands on my cold waist. What should I do? My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend, and the only person whom I have right now is my enemy, who's kissing me. I kissed back without even realizing it. "I need to tell you something, but not now, and not here." Minho whispered. I was pretty shook because of this deep voice (but it's nothing compared to Felix's voice). We were just sitting there like that, when suddenly, someone started beating the door. The door was broken, and was now on the floor. In the door frame was Jeongin, but he didn't know I was there. Minho hid me under his bed while the door was beaten. "Jeongin, what happened? Have you cried? Also what did the door do to you?" Minho was asking him. "I- I'm sorry for the door... I need to tell you something..." Jeongin said. His voice was still crying. The thoughts of what happened filled my mind, and I didn't even notice that Minho and Jeongin were talking about something.

A while later, Jeongin left the room, and I was about to stand up from under the bed. I got up and looked over to Minho, who was looking at me sadly. He understood the position I'm in right now. He wanted to say something, but I cut him off. "What will we do with the door now?" He looked up at me with the eyes, which said nothing else but "are you serious right now?".

We told J.Y. Park about the door, and it was replaced with another one immediately. I layed down on Minhos bed tired. "Are you okay? I know it's hard for you to talk about right now, but-" I cut him off "I'm okay, don't worry. Even if I'm not okay now, I'll be okay later" I lied. I'm everything but okay. A while later I fell asleep, still on Minhos bed.

Minho POV

When Mina came to me while she was crying, I felt kinda- worried? I mean of course I was worried, but it felt different... After she told me the story, memories filled my mind.

"Hey, babe!" I said. Yea, I was dating, dating Minju, and yea, it was while there was a rumor of us dating. I just walked into the house from work. I didn't get a reply, so I went into the house being worried. I was walking into the direction of her bedroom. I started hearing... Moans? "Nghh~ Minho could never, you're so good... Mhh~" My eyes started filling up with tears. She cheated on me. I kicked the door, which was now on the floor, and looked over to Minju, who was fvcking my best friend from highschool. "Why would you do t-that?" I said trying to keep my voice as stable as possible. "I-" Both of them were talking something at the same time, probably explaining everything, but I was too lost in my thoughts to listen. "I hate you Minju, I HATE YOU! IT'S ALL OVER!" I started yelling, I couldn't hold it anymore. A tear fell down my check.
End of flashback

Mine and Minas stories were so similar, that I was shock. I felt as if she was describing what happened to me. I understood that I need to help her, give her advises I wish I would give myself when that happened to me, stop her from making the mistakes that I did.

Mina was now deep asleep, on my bed. It was like that because her bed was taken out of my room almost immediately after she changed her guardian. I got a pillow and blanket that were somewhere in the room and layed down on the floor, and fell asleep right away.


Hey there! Sorry for the short chapter and sorry for not updating for so long :(
I don't know what to write so just drop some suggestions in the comments 😻

~668 words~

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