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Minho POV

"Hi, sit down!" I invited her. I've tried my best to make my voice as soft and comfy as possible. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. She sat down and adjusted her dress a bit.

The atmosphere was awkward, so I started talking. "So, how are you feeling?" I've asked waiting for her reaction. She slowly looked up at me and smiled. "Actually pretty good" she said, and after a little break she finished the sentence. "Thanks to you" She looked at me exactly in the eyes. Why did I get nervous? I couldn't look, but I couldn't look away either. Is this normal? I guess so.

"Uh..." She said in a kind of awkward tone. Her eyes widened and I got curious. "Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly. She looked up at me and closed her eyes for a couple of seconds. "Shit- I'm sorry, I'll be there in a minute" She said and left to the nearest restaurant.

Mina POV

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. How could I not know that it should start today?! I'm so embarrassed gosh- Like why now??

Y'all might already have an idea of what I mean. And yes, it's right if you thought that my 'my days' have started. But why now? Whyyy?!?! Okay, I need to calm down. It's okay, it's fine, everything's good, as long as the dress isn't completely red. That would be even more embarrassing.

I went to the nearest restaurant and asked for the toilet. I got there and looked at my dress in the mirror. There was nothing. What a relief.

Minho POV

I was waiting for a while now. I started to worry, but then she came, with a smile on her face. 'She seems to feel fine' I thought to myself and smiled back at her.

~a few hours later~

It's 9:34 pm. We're still on the date. I'm planning on confessing at midnight, since it's gonna be her birthday! I can't wait, but at the same time I'm so nervous. I really hope that she likes me back.

Mina POV

It's already getting late, but I won't go home. I can't, I don't want to. Even tho we were enemies a few weeks ago. He's so nice, I think my crush on him is coming back. I don't want it to come back!

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I actually wanted to spend it all alone, but I guess he won't leave me alone. But I don't complain.

We were talking about everything that night! It was so nice.

~time skip (bcuz I'm lazy)~

12:00 am. It's my birthday! I'm now 20 years old (i forgot how old she is lol). Minho stood up. I put a a confused face on, as he said "Happy Birthday!! How old are you now? 59?". No words, just silence. A loud silence. I looked at him annoyed, yet I was still smiling. He put his arms up in the air, wanting to hug me. I stood up and did exactly what he wanted. "I'm 20, okay?" I said. He tilted his head to the right side and asked "Are you someone like Five Hargreaves then? You know, that your body is 20, but actually you're 59?" Damn that one hurt. Do I really act like that? "He's 58 you idiot" I said and looked at the beach. The sea looked so pretty. "Hey, I have somthing very important to tell you" Minho suddenly started speaking. "This might make your birthday better, or maybe worse, do you wanna hear it?" I was confused, yet curious, so I started nodding. "So, uhm... I wanted to say that..." He started to get, nervous??

Minho POV

I was about to tell her, only a few words! Why can't I get them out? I started so confidently, and now I'm nervous? No!

"So uhm... I wanted to say that..." Why can't I get it out? Those are just three words! Am I actually dumb? I sighted and said as fast as I could "Ilikeyou." (I like you). She looked at me confused and asked "What did you say?" "I... Like you?" I got shy. Why? I don't know. She looked at me, shocked. I got nervous once again, because I couldn't see another expression on her face. No joy, no hate, just shock.

Mina POV

He likes me?! Why? Since when? But he's an idol! And I might be one as well! If we start dating, there might be rumors, and he will get in trouble! And for me, there will be less chances to debut. "I... I don't even know what to say, you're an idol, and I might be one too! What if we'll get caught? What if there will be rumors? You will get in trouble, and I might not be able to debut!" I paused for a second. He had a very sad, yet proud and understandable expression. "Give me some time to think." I said. Things got awkward and I didn't know, maybe I should go away? "You didn't think about it with Jeongin" He said. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. Now I'm asking myself why.

After a while of both of us thinking and zoning out, he started speaking "I'm sorry if I ruined your birthda-" "No! Don't say that, you didn't ruin anything!" He really thought that he ruined my birthday? To be honest, he made my birthday only better. "Things will be very awkward now, so let's go, it's also late already. We can talk about it later if you want to, but now let's go sleep." He said. His voice still had this sadness.

We cleaned everything up and went home (aka JYPE). When we got there, I fell on the bed. I didn't even change into pajamas or something comfortable. My vision started getting blurry, and I fell asleep.

Minho POV

So she rejected me? But she didn't say no. But she didn't say yes either!
I was thinking the whole night about it, and fell asleep early in the morning. 'Maybe she just doesn't like me, but didn't want to say it?' My thoughts were full, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was sad, yes, but I understood what she meant. I've never experienced 'love' as I do right now. It felt different with Minju.

I shook off those thoughts and started falling asleep.


Hi guys, I'm sorry for not updating for so long :( Anyways, I really hope y'all liked this chapter!
I just realized that it's better to write the whole ff, and then start posting it💀
Well, I'll do it on my next ff :]

~1120 words~

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