Chapter Ten | Nick

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"Is everything okay?" I ask the second I see Talia's name on my phone and answer.

"Everything is fine, unless you count burning popcorn in the microwave." Talia laughs.

I chuckle, relieved that she's fine. I walk over to my couch and have a seat, glad that she called me.

It's only been a day since I left her at my beach house and we kissed.  Once the storm let up, I showed her how to make sure all the doors were locked and the security code. I felt bad about leaving her here alone but at least I knew she was safe and far away from her mom and Otis.

"What distracted you?" I wonder.

"I was sketching and didn't realize I pressed the number four instead of two." She explains.

"Do I need to call the fire department?" I joke.

"No. Maybe a delivery boy again." Talia jokes.

"So how's the new place treating you?" I wonder.

"Great. I still can't believe it's mine. Well, mine adjacent." She admits. "If you need me to leave just say the word. I'm sure Rhonda won't mind me on the couch."

A tic works in my jaw at the idea of her sleeping on a couch or in a motel while I'd be sleeping in my big house.

No. She wasn't going anywhere.

"You're staying." I tell her firmly.

"Thank you again. You have no idea how grateful I am."

"You don't have to keep thanking me Talia."

"So, what were you doing before I called? I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

Was that her way of asking if I had someone over?

"You interrupted me grading papers and watching terrible reruns." I tell her.

"Sounds boring. Is that really what teachers do on vacation breaks?" She accuses. "You should be picking up women from bars or something."

"And you should go savage your burnt popcorn."

She laughs. "Oh, come on."

"How do you know I'm not lying to you? I can have a woman with me right now." I taunt.

"You don't. You wouldn't be on the phone with me right now if you did."

"What if I told you I'm not a pillow talk kind of guy?" I retort.

"That's ashame." Talia replies.

"I do go out from time to time, but no, I'm not seeing anyone right now." I admit. I'm not sure why I told her that. It's not like it's her business, but I needed her to know. "Should I be worry that I just gave you a place to have Jackson over?"

"What makes you think I'm interested in Jackson?" Her voice turns seductive and I can feel it all the way to my stomach.

My blood starts to boil. "Are you?" I ask.

I mean, I didn't want to actually know the answer.
She's young. She's allowed to date how many guys she wants. But I'd hate to feel like I'm competing with an eighteen year old for her attention. I already like that I'm the person she turns to when she needs help or just someone to talk to. I'd be a little jealous if she started going to someone else.

"It's been a rough few days," She continues. "Maybe I need someone to distract me from all of it. Someone to make me feel good."

Feel good. My jeans suddenly feel tight. An image of how she looks when she feels good pops into my head. I push it away.

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