Chapter Twenty-Four | Nick

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"I really enjoyed your class today Mr. Cross." Vivian, one of my students, said as she stopped in front of my desk. Unlike Addison, Vivian was a sweet kid.

She kept her head down, did what she had to do, and her grades were excellent. With the last day of school just right around the corner, more and more students, especially the typically quite ones were speaking up and giving their thanks now.

Despite what my parents think and their objection, I love my job. Seeing students get excited about learning something new, seeing that light that sparks in their eyes when a meaning of something clicks, that's the best part and if they can leave my class loving literature almost as much as me than I've done my job.

"Thank you Vivian. I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day." I tell her before she heads out and I continue to pack up my stuff to leave for the day, anxious to see Talia.

Despite our moment at prom, our relationship was still in limbo and Talia thought it was best to keep her distance because we didn't know what Addison was going to do with her anmo of information now that she knew about us.

She showed up to class this morning acting normal as usual, like she didn't catch me and one of her classmates making out in the bathroom. I made sure to keep my eyes off of her and Talia when it came time for their class but I could feel Addison watching how I interacted with Talia throughout class.
I glance around the classroom making sure I had everything I needed then stepped from behind my desk when the dean stepped into my classroom.


"Dean. I was just on my way out. Can I help you with anything?"

It was best if I acted as if I had no idea for the reason behind his visit.

"I'm going to need you to follow me to my office." The Dean replied.

"Can I ask why?"

"I think it would be best if we discuss this in the privacy of my office."

"Alright. Lead the way." I ignored the quicken pace my heart beat decided to take in that moment as I followed the dean to his office.

Neither of us said anything again until we were safely closed behind his office.

"I have to admit Frank, the suspense is killing me. What do you want to talk about?"

The dean clears his throat before he sits up straighter in his seat.

"An accusation was made that you're having an inaproriate relationship with your student Talia Davis."

Fucking Addison.

"Really?" I train my face to appear indifferent though on the inside I'm a little anxious. Not for myself, but what this means for Talia.

"I don't have to tell you how serious an allegation like this is, not only to your repuation, but that of the school as well." The dean continues. "If you are indeed fraternizing with a student, you will no longer be allowed to teach at Kerrington."

"I see."

"There will be an official investigation into the relationship you have with Talia, as well as all your other students. While the investigation is taking place, you will no longer be allowed to teach. We will provide your class with a substitute for however long is needed." The dean explains.

"I understand."

"While I have you here, is there anything you'd like to say regarding the nature of your relationship with Talia Davis?"

"My relationship with Talia is the same one I have with all my students, past and present. I care about them, I push them to strive for excellence, and wish them nothing but the best once they leave my class. Talia is no different."

I don't wait for him to say anything else before I stand up from my chair and leaving his office.

I charge out of the building and across the parking lot to where I left my car this morning and just my luck I see Addison leaning against her white Convertible as if she was waiting for me.

"Had a nice chat with the dean Mr. Cross?" She asks smugly.

I curl my fingers into my palm and force myself to take a deep breath.

I ignore her and continue to head for my car.

"You know I almost didn't recognize you this morning in class without your tongue buried down Talia's throat."

Just breathe Nick. She's baiting you.

"If you had any proof, we both know you'd use it. But since you don't, it's just your word against mine." I grit out.

"I still can't believe you chose her over me. I mean, what does she have that I don't? She's nothing."
Before I can think about what I'm doing, I charge over to where Addison stands, completely crowding her space as I stare down at her.

"She's everything." I say to her. "You want to fuck with me, that's fine. But if you hurt Talia I promise to God I will bring hell down on you so hard there will be nothing left of you."

Addison's eyes widen in fear. "You can't talk to me like that. You're a teacher."

"Actually thanks to you, as of five minutes ago I've been suspended. So all I am now is a man who will do anything to protect the woman he loves."

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