Chapter Twenty-Five | Talia

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Did I skip school on Monday because I didn't want to face Nick or school? Absolutely. Did I regret that decision? Not at all. Because I knew that there was no way Addison would keep her mouth shut about what she saw in the girls bathroom Friday night. I was just thankful that she didn't have her phone on her for actual proof.

My suspicions were confirmed when Nick stopped by my hotel to tell me that he was temporarily suspended while they investigated the nature of my relationship with Nick.

This is exactly what I was afraid of. Nick losing his job because of me. I know I didn't want to be his secret anymore, but that didn't mean I wanted to ruin his life; that's why I told him we needed to end things in the first place. Things were getting real and I needed something to push him away before either of us went any deeper.

But so much for thinking we could stay away from each other, because I caved the second he came around. Now he couldn't do his job and my future was up in the air.

"Girl, you have the whole school talking about you." Simone says as I gather my notepad and pack of colored pencils from my locker; school was over- at least for the seniors. Teachers were just killing time until graduation, so nowadays we were either watching a movie or doing nothing at all in class. At least this way, I could finish sketching ideas I have for designs.

"Really, I hadn't noticed." Sarcasm laced my voice as I slammed my locker shut.

From the moment I walked onto campus, I could feel the stares on me, see the sideways glance and whispered conversations whenever I passed by. No one came up to me directly yet but it wasn't hard to guess what they were talking about.

"I knew Addison was a bitch, but I didn't think she'd rat you out. She's just mad Mr. Cross didn't want her basic ass."

I open my mouth to agree when someone cleared their throat behind me. I turn around only to be faced with Jackson. There was no way I could go back in the gym and pretend my world wasn't about to fall apart now that Addison knew about me and Nick. I wasn't exactly thinking clearly when I stormed out of school, without giving Jackson any notice and leaving him alone at prom.

    "Hi Jackson." I said, hesitantly. I felt like shit for just abadoning him at his prom.

    "Now it makes sense," He says. "You know when you said Nick was hot, I didn't think you were talking aout our teacher."

    He's angry. As he should be. But I'm not dumb enough to think that he was lonely at prom once I left.


    "Now I see why you didn't want to date me. I guess you only give it up for a passing grade." Jackson sneers.

    "Hold up Jackson," Simone tries to step in, but I stop her.

    "I didn't date you because I wasn't interested- simple as that. And Thank God I didn't because you just made it clear to me that you're nothing but a no talent having sonofabitch!"

    People have gathered around, but I don't care.

    "Ms. Davis," The dean's voice booms throughout the hallway, making everyone freeze. Including me. "Follow me to my office now."

    Simone gives me a sympathetic smile before I turn and follow the dean to his office. I definitely expected this since Nick told me about his meeting yesterday and now it seemed to me like the dean was now trying to get my side of the story.

    "I'm sure you know what this is about." He began.

    "Not exactly." I lie.

    "An allegation has been made that you are involved in an inappropriate relationship with one of your teachers, Mr. Cross."

    "I'm aware of the rumors."

    "I want you first to know Talia that we take accusations such as these very seriously. If you are involved with Mr. Cross and it's against your will or he's pressuring you in any way at all, I want you to know you are safe here and can tell the truth."

    I couldn't believe what he was saying. Of course I knew that they were teachers and men in general who abused their power on younger women, but did they really think Nick was capable of that? Did they not know him at all?

    I want to tell him that Nick is the best man I've ever met. That he cared about me, that he stood up for me, that he saw me when no one- not even my own mother did.

    But I can't say any of that.

    "Mr. Cross isn't forcing himself on me and we're not involved in an inappropriate relationship." I tell them because it's the truth. I'm eighteen, almost nineteen, which makes me an adult in any state and everything that happened between Nick has been consensual.

    "Do you have a relationship with Mr. cross?"

    "Yes. He's my teacher." I answer smugly. "Look, whoever told you that there was something going on between Mr. Cross and I, I hope they have proof, otherwise, you're keeping me from first period and you just suspended an amazing teacher." With that I stood up and walked out of his office.

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