Chapter One | Each Night I Ask the Stars Up Above

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From the moment Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg heard about the new girl at Saint Cassian Catholic School, she hated her. She didn't even need to meet her to dislike her. She came to Saint Cassian in the middle of the school year – who even does that!? Penny Lamb does, apparently. Even her name was annoying – who actually had the last name of an animal? It was so cutesy, and not in the endearing way Constance Blackwood was, but in that obnoxious way. There wasn't a single thing Ocean found positive about her when she heard about her from her school's principal.

Father Igancio Sanches, the principal, has selected Ocean to show Penny around the school on her first day, as she is the student body president and head of the student council. Plus, the new girl was in Ocean's grade. She had to hold back a grumble when Father Igancio told her this. Of course the annoying sounding new person had to be in grade eleven. The slightly younger Lamb sibling, Ezra, would also be tagging along, as he was in grade nine. Normally, Ocean would be ecstatic about meeting her fellow peers, but she couldn't bring herself to feel anything but pure dread when preparing to meet the two siblings. Still, she put on her best brave face, complete with a fake smile, and followed her principal at the front of the school to meet them.

Penny and Ezra Lamb were standing next to each other right in front of the doors of the school. It looked like they were shoved in through them and they stayed completely still after. Ezra wore a blank face with wide eyes trapped behind circular glasses. His hair was curly and unruly, falling just above his shoulders. He sported the typical male Saint Cassian uniform, but it fit awkwardly on him. He was oddly tall for a thirteen year old, and the entire outfit seemed baggy on him. Because it was so late in the year, Ocean figured they didn't have his proper size. Sad. Maybe he should've started school when the school year actually started in September instead of the middle of December.

Ocean's attention was then drawn to Penny Lamb as she stepped forward and away from her brother, who remained where he stood before. The girl smiled awkwardly and extended a hand towards Father Igancio. Ocean watched her with skeptical eyes. Nobody was usually this bold on their first day. She looked at the girl. She was also abnormally tall, especially for a girl. It was almost hard to believe she was Ocean's age with the way she completely towered over her. Her hair was short, much shorter than any other female student at Saint Cassian. It was in a weird in-between stage, like a bowl cut was growing out. It probably was the case.

"Hello! I am Penny Lamb, and this is my brother, Ezra Lamb," she chirped. She motioned with her left arm towards her brother, keeping the other one out in front of her. She looked at her sibling, smiling through gritted teeth. Her eyes flickered between her principal and her brother. "Ezra, come on," she whispered to him. Ocean heard her despite the low tone of her voice. Did this girl not learn to be quiet wherever she was from? Her brother didn't take his eyes off of Ocean or Father Igancio as he marched forward mechanically, like a wind-up doll.

Father Igancio smiled warmly at his two new students, his already wrinkly face crinkling more. He took Penny's hand in both of his and shook it firmly, then held out his hand for Ezra too. The thirteen year old just stared at it. With an awkward chuckle, Father Igancio moved his hand to his side. "Yes, I am aware of who you two are. I'm your principal, Father Igancio Sanches. It's lovely to meet the two of you." His warm hands grabbed Ocean's shoulders. She smiled at the siblings. "This is Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg. She's going to be taking you two on a tour of the school, then she'll escort you to your classes. From now on, I leave you in her capable hands. If you have any questions at all about Saint Cassian Catholic School, please, do not hesitate to go to either one of us."

With that, Father Igancio left to his office directly behind where the three teenagers were standing. Now, all attention was on Ocean. She pulled her lips into a tight smile. "As he said, I'm Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, and I'll be your guide for today. I'm the president of the eleventh year class, and the head of the student council, so if you're having trouble…," she swallowed like she was forcing the words down, "I'll be happy to help." Her hands clapped together, making Penny jump back. "Okay, well, there's no point in wasting time, so let's–"

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