T i r e d !

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Tired, when most people hear the word they think of sleep.

They think of night, they think of laying down in bed

Thats what most people think but me,

I think of all the energy and happiness that has been burnt out and stolen from me.

All the motivation and joy that slowly disappeared as the days got harder and harder.

I think of a type of tired that cant be fixed with sleep,

A type of tired you can't fix until you physically and mentally get rid of it.

When I say I'm tired they say:

"You just need to go to sleep earlier".

"Get off the phone so much".

If thats the solution then,

Why am I still tired?

Why am I still hurting?

Why do I still have this empty void that stuggles to get filled?

Ive done what I was told
so why am I still struggling?

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