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Robin's workplace.

Thanks guys, tonight was so good.

The squad is gone and he was alone with her, in his house and they're just there. Billie and him wasn't even talking but just looking at the ceiling, they're seated by the separated chair. Thinking of random thoughts in their head. And then she stood up and deciding to go back in her place.

"I think I should get going, thanks for inviting me over." She nodded. Then he clears his throat leaning towards her. "Oh, yeah. Let me take you back home." He smiled as she walks by the doorway with him.

He hoped he could asked her to stay in but he didn't. Because of they knew that they're just friends and that had just hooked up in his bedroom. That was stupid enough to ask her not to go.

"Alright." He smiles as he open the door for her. "I'll text you. For the plans tomorrow, okay?" She says. Before closing the door. "Billie- I might not be able to show up for tomorrow." He said. "Why?" She looked at him seriously. He gulped before responding "Berkeley." He smiled simply walking away from her doorstep. "Hey, wait..." She tries to stop him but he ignored her.

Moment later. . .

She was left totally fully confused. He was so confusing. Wow. Wait. He did ignored me and just left without saying anything. Or even wave goodbye. She tried calling him but he didn't pick up. Maybe he was still driving.

Then, She received a message from Robin.


*Hey, B. I got a job for you tomorrow just want you to know. cause I know you need it. Love Rob.


The next day. . .

Billie was with Robin, and they were on her workplace with her, and then she stopped looking bothered until Robin stop and looked at her asking her, "Are you okay?" Robin asks stopping by the counter.

"Yeah, I am. Um-" she gulped nervously. "Nah. Billie you're not okay. I know that." She says. "Tell me, what is it. Huh?" She frowned. "Okay." She sigh and nodded. "It's clearly nothing to worry about, Rob. It's my usual." She quietly says. "What about Jesse?" Rob frowned. "Rutherford?" She replied. "You hang out with him, right?" She gestured. "I do." She says quietly. It's fun yeah. "How'd you know?" She ask. "Well, he texted me asking about you." She rolled her eyes. "Gosh- do I look like a person who sits in lost and found of a shopping mall?" She says as they were walking. "Do I?" She frowned. "Honestly, no. But that's because you're the best." She says. "Best on what?" Robin frowned again. "Look, you see. Rob you mean so much fun on us" Billie hug her and smile.

Moving on...

"Tell me, what happen." Robin frowned. "Rob, can we get going?" She says and seemed to ignore the question. "Okay." Then, they walked into her manager meeting Billie applying as today's part-timer. "Mr. Robert Brooks, I want you to meet our part-time job applicant today, Billie O'Connell. Billie this is Mr. Robert-"

"Brooks." He smiled. Crossing his arms together. "Nice to meet you, Sir." She nodded. "Oh yeah, um- but don't call me, Sir. Brooks instead." He said. Retrieving to his seat. "Hey, Ms. Hawks. I think you know already what to do." He winks. "Oh-sure, yeah. Okay." She replied, slamming the door.

They walked into the locker room picking her apron, and then returning to the counter. "You're all set." "So- this your position today, you serve while I was in the counter, great?" "Yeah." She smiled. "But, just tell me, or ring that bell if you need to take the call of nature. Okay?- or if there's something wrong, okay?" Robin reminded.

MS.O'CONNELL, RUTHERFORDWhere stories live. Discover now