†Let The War Start†

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I got up and rushed to the dining room where the bang came from only to be greeted by disappointment when I saw Starry in the middle of the broken long table with the ceiling cracked open.

Whahahahahaha, Be joyed I have come back with great news! Today is the fated day of the war between the stupid clans and the day that we've been waiting for the day of our Bloom Whahahahaha. The Queen informed laughing evilly.

You IDIOT!!! Lizze shouts while hitting the young Queen with a rolled-up newspaper on the head.

Lizze-san you meanie why did you hit me?? The Queen whined.

Why would I hit you?!!!!! Don't you know there's a thing called DOOR!!!!!. Lizze said as she started scolding Ekou for like 15 minutes.

When the scolding was over Lizze fixed the broken table using her abilities.

So is there more to the good news? Lied asked as he sat in his chair.

Yup, I have some news about our recent mission. Ekou informed as the rest of us sat in our chairs.

As all of you know the 1st King Adolf K. Weismann is in the body of a high school student he also loses his memory and right now goes by the name Isana Yashiro and he is being chased by Homura and Septer 4 and because of that, we have predicted that Homura will invade Ashinaka High School where Isana Yashiro is located today.

So if Homura Is doing something Chaotic of course Septer 4 will be there so three kings + the colorless is equal to Four Kings and that will emerge a war between the Kings and that's when we come out so the High school student group will take actions while the rest here act as support when something came up.

Now we shall go and patrol cause we are late now. The Queen said.

Maybe if you didn't do something so reckless we wouldn't be late. Lied said making the others glare at the queen coldly.

Hehe. Was the only thing the young Queen could utter before she reaches her temporary doom.

†End Of Devi's POV†


†At Ashinaka High School| Ai POV†

I was at the top of one of the roofs in Ashinaka watching how the students prepare for the festival while my katana is hanging on my waist when I saw Elizabeth hopping from roof to roof toward me wearing the same cloak and mask as me with her disguised guitar weapon on her back.

(A/N: pretend the cloak is black, and the ribbon is pink, Ignore the girl, and also the gems in the mask are pink)

Ara~ is there something you need Beth-tan? You can ask everything to your senpai. I said proudly and a bit calmly.

Nope, Ekou-sama just wants me to support you in this area. The youngest of the pink clan informed.

I wanted to say something but was cut off when I sense a lot of presence coming from the gate of Ashinaka. Copy that but if you need something you can co––"

I looked at the entrance so did Elizabeth alarmed about what was going to happen.

Looks like our dear guests are here. The Queen said to us by telepathy.

All of you just stay in your positions we will wait until the war has begun.

Hai. All of us said in unison.


†Ekou POV†

The blazing sun has retreated and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky as pure sacred snow fell elegantly conquering the land that was fated to be ruled.

I was on the roof of the main building as I watch The Red Fierce King rest peacefully alongside the white-haired princess of Red.

The 2nd of the blazing Red has come to deliver the word of Blue affecting the temporary peace.

I moved to a top of a certain tree now watching the conversation between the ruler of Red and Blue.

Too bad looks like the Red King didn't listen to the Blue King's warning we have no choice but to eliminate this Aggressive Red. I thought.

When the ruler of the Vicious Red and the Heroic Blue come back to their base I also left and move again to my previous location. When I was again on the roof Devi's Owl landed on my shoulder reporting his concern.

Ne, Ne, Starry when will the battle start I'm bored. Devi whined.

As the sun revolts against the night and the moon retreats along with the army of stars the battle of Kings shall start, but if you're bored then how about we play a game are you in? I replied.

Anything to get out of this boredom.

Then can you annoy Yata Misaki and Fushimi Saruhiko If you successfully make Yata fall from his skateboard and make Fushimi get embarrassed I will reward you, Saint Honorè how about that?

Do you mean that Saint Honorè is the cake one? Devi asked childishly.

Yes, so will you do it or not?

You can count on me. Devi replied

Devi then flew above the Red Clansmen looking for one of his targets. When the pink clansman found his target he flew downwards when he was finally close to Yata he snatched his hat and then quickly flew up.

Oi!! Wait you stupid bird!!!!!!

I chuckled when I watched how Yata is going after Devi and then the big moment came when Yata was so focused on looking up that he didn't notice a metal bar laying on the floor and then tripped.

I then moved to the bridge so that I can see how Fushimi will get embarrassed later.

Devi then came flying above the Blue Clansmen.

When he was above Fushimi he did something a bird would do.

He poops on him that straight goes straight to his hair.

Pfft— hahahhahahhahha what the hell is that!?!?!?! I laughed.

Then Devi flew back to my shoulder. Good job. I said.

When we got back to our original location we sat waiting for the sun to rise.

†3rd Person POV

The moon was defeated along with the army of stars therefore the Sun takes the throne.

When the Sun first shines everyone is on guard thus the queen said
"Let The War Start"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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