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I drag my body towards my beloved bed and collapse like a bag of potatoes on it

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I drag my body towards my beloved bed and collapse like a bag of potatoes on it. After finishing my exam today, I am exhausted and all I want to do is sleep, but someone does not want me to sleep quietly. because my phone was constantly ringing and I wasn't in the mood to pick it up since it was on the other side of the bed and lazy me didn't want to budge

But after a continuous ring, I rolled my body to the other side and saw SNEHA flashing on it, which made me want to sleep, but then she called again, and I eventually took it up in an angry attitude, but then it seemed to hit me. SNEHA is calling.

(Now, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present you to Srishi's dearest buddy.

Let's get started*ahem*

Meet Sneha Rathore, Srishti's closest friend since high school. Sneha, who has two-year seniority over Srishti, is now a happily married woman living in Mumbai with her husband Sahil, a lawyer who runs his own firm, and their family. Sneha and Srishti's friendship has only gotten stronger over time, and they continue to be one other's support system through thick and thin.

The most exciting news, though, is that Sneha is presently six months pregnant! Srishti is overjoyed for her buddy. isha is also her friend but not as close as sneha .

Speaking of Isha, Srishti met her during their MBBS studies. Isha is a sweet and cheerful girl, always ready to brighten up Srishti's day with her infectious energy. However, at times, her incessant questioning can become a bit irritating for Srishti. Despite this, Srishti cherishes Isha's friendship and considers her a good friend overall.)

"Hello, how are you snehu," srishti murmured in a low voice. "Hello, ki bacchi where were you? I've been calling you nonstop for the last half-hour, and look at you over here wondering how I'm doing. Saru, and where have you been for so many days that you don't even recognize me? Sneha screamed all of this in one breath while yelling into the phone, prompting Srishti to keep her phone away from her ears, and her sleep was long gone.

"Sneha, please calm down and give her a chance to explain"From the opposite side, Sahil (Sneha's husband) stated

"Yes, Jaan, take a deep breath and tell me how is my little munchkin there," I said to divert her attention, and she began to tell me how she feels her morning sickness, how she was gaining weight, how she was constantly carving, how her mood shifts, and finally she begins to cry, "Saru, I really miss you and you didn't even call me, I was scared," she said in between sobs.

"Aww Jaan, I'm really sorry, I had a lot on my plate and didn't want to give you tension," I whispered softly, as if to a kid, yet she was behaving like a naughty brat at the moment.

"What happened, did anything happen there?"She asked me twice in a worried tone.

"Haa bhut kuch bta kha se btau tujhe," I questioned, sitting on my bed in a crisscross position to tell her about my life's drama.

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