VENOM - 27 ♡

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"is aahan also there," Isha asked from the other side and her mother said yes with some hesitation " Then just wait for me I am coming" After listening Isha was talking to her mom and the phone was on speaker.

both Srishti and Aahan were shocked how did Isha know that they are here at her home? As Aahan suddenly opens Srishti's Phone and starts to search for something on that. there was a file on Srishti's phone which was hidden and it was a tracker application that was giving all information about Srishti's phone to someone as he search more he get to know that this application was downloaded to her phone 4 months ago and access to Srishti phone photos, messages, and social accounts.

srishti was shocked after seeing this all she was feeling betrayed and hurt was there. how can isha do this, that was all fake, her talk, her smile, Isha was just using her

After 15 minutes of waiting, the doorbell rang, and Srishti looked towards the door with a hateful expression. Aahan held her hand, looking at the door, and Isha's mother opened it. Isha entered and said, "Aah-, Srishti, you're here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming with Aahan," Srishti noticed how Isha didn't address Aahan as her husband but as a lost friend, which made her blood boil. But she stood up from her seat and gave Isha a small smile. "Actually, we didn't plan to come here. We were on our date, but then a person's sins didn't let us enjoy," Srishti said in a mocking tone while approaching her. She couldn't keep her calm and slapped Isha hard, making her almost fall. "Oh, my bad. Aahan, pass me some tissue paper. There is so much dirt here," Srishti said with a smile.

Isha was still in shock as she looked at Srishti. There was an emotion of anger and disgust in her eyes, but she covered it up. After cleaning her hand, Srishti again looked towards Isha, who was now standing. "Srishti, what happened? Why did--" Isha couldn't complete her sentence as Srishti slapped her again. "This is for betraying me, and that first slap was because of your fake emotions," Srishti said, throwing a diary toward Isha, which made her shocked. "This-- this is how you--" Isha couldn't find any words as she was in shock.

"Isha, why did you do this to me?" Srishti asked, her voice betraying her, but she didn't want to cry in front of this snake.

"Because you were an attention seeker. You made me feel so dull in front of all," Isha said through gritted teeth.

"You know what, Srishti? No one likes you, and no one will because you are just a side character in my story who tries to have all my limelight on you," Isha raised her hand with an angry expression, and Srishti was still shocked. She felt numb all of a sudden. A hand came into the frame and jerked Isha's hand away. The force was so huge that it made Isha fall on the floor, crying in pain. Her mother tried to pick her up, but Isha jerked her away and stood on her own. She was looking at Aahan, who was now hugging Srishti, and Srishti was just standing there like a statue.

"Aahan, she-- she doesn't deserve you. She just saved your life because of me. If I hadn't sent her that letter, she wouldn't have needed to come to Mumbai four years ago. So that's me, because of me--" Before Isha could finish her sentence, Aahan looked towards her with so much hatred in his eyes that Isha was muted.

"Isha, you can never be anyone's friend. Yes, I was a fool - a fool to believe in you," Srishti said, looking at Isha with a blank expression, as the front door opened and Harsh rushed inside.

He had been following Isha, but the congested area had made it difficult for him to track her down. He asked several people for directions while showing them Isha's photo.

Harsh was shocked to see Isha on the floor with a swollen cheek, but he didn't spare her a second glance and rushed toward Aahan and Srishti. "I think there's a tracker file in Srishti's phone," he said, still stuck on how Isha knew where Srishti was going. As he said this, Isha started laughing like a madwoman.

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