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⩩ CHAPTER TWO 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒


SO THERE'S MATT, RELUCTANTLY sitting at sydney's dining table, surrounded by piles of calculus textbooks and notes

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SO THERE'S MATT, RELUCTANTLY sitting at sydney's dining table, surrounded by piles of calculus textbooks and notes. he's bracing himself for a long, tedious tutoring session with someone he's always found annoying. 

but as they start working through the problems, something unexpected happens. sydney's explanations are actually really clear, and she's patient with him when he doesn't understand something. they start talking about their lives outside of school, and matt realises that sydney isn't as weird as he thought she was, and they had a lot more in common then he'd thought.

sydney glanced up from her notebook, a thoughtful expression on her face. "so matt, what'd you like to do when you're not drowning in calculus equations?" matt paused, surprised by the question. he hadn't expected to talk about anything other than math, really.

"um, well," he began, scratching the back of his head nervously, "i guess i like hopping on fortnite quite a lot, and definitely watching movies." sydney's eyes lit up with genuine interest, matt catching the small gesture.

"i freaking love, fortnite. i may be addicted, but that's a conversation for another time," they both laugh lightly before she carries on, "any favourite movies?" matt found himself relaxing as they delved into a discussion about their favourite films, sharing recommendations and debating what the best movie genre was. he realised that sydney wasn't just the annoying girl he'd always seen her as; she was actually pretty cool. "have you watched 10 things i hate about you? oh my god, i love that movie i can't explain it." she holds her head in her hands.

"i think i've heard of it, but i never got round to watching it properly." matt shrugs, earning a dramatic gasp from sydney.

"we've got to watch it one time, and i could introduce you to kat stratford, my spirit animal." sydney holds her heart, closing her eyes, causing matt to laugh. he found himself opening up more than he had with anyone in a long time. sydney listened attentively, offering encouragement and sharing her own experiences. it was a side of her he hadn't seem before, and he couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for her. after a while, sydney glanced at the clock and realised how much time had passed.

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