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⩩ CHAPTER THREE 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒


THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL, matt, chris, nick, annabelle, blaire, and ben all gather in their usual spot, wondering where xiomara is this morning

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THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL, matt, chris, nick, annabelle, blaire, and ben all gather in their usual spot, wondering where xiomara is this morning. "hey, where's xi?" blaire asks, furrowing her brow in confusion. "she wasn't in the car with us this morning." just as they're discussing xiomara's absence, she walks up to the group, her usual confident stride slightly faltering. 

"hey, guys," she greets, trying to ignore the curious looks they're giving her.

"xi, where were you this morning?" ben asks, his curiosity evident.

xiomara shrugs nonchalantly. "oh, i got a ride with austin," she replies casually, shooting a sideways glance at matt. instantly, all eyes turn to matt, waiting for his reaction. his jaw twitches slightly as he scoffs aloud, unable to hide his irritation. xiomara furrows her brow, turning to him with a questioning expression. "what's your problem, matt?" she asks, her tone slightly annoyed. matt tries to act unbothered, but xiomara can see right through him. 

"nothing, xi, just surprised you'd willingly spend time with mr i'm so cool over there," he retorts, his sarcasm dripping with bitterness. the rest of the group watches in confusion as matt and xiomara engage in their usual arguments, shooting playful insults back and forth like a game of verbal ping pong. "watch out everyone, we've got a vip here who's too good to ride with the commoners." matt rolls his eyes, as xiomara squints in annoyance.

"you think you're so-" sensing the tension, annabelle pipes up, trying to diffuse the situation. 

"okay, okay, let's not turn this into a full-blown argument," she says, casting a pointed look at matt and xiomara. matt spots sydney across the courtyard and decides he's had enough. 

"whatever, i have better things to be doing," he says dismissively, making his way over to sydney with a cocky swagger. xiomara watches him go, a mixture of frustration and hurt bubbling beneath her cool exterior. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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