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He was Callisto Regulus, the Crown Prince of the Empire.. and yet.. hated by those around him.

You were afraid, yes, but you still approached him. Although it was once, it was the first time that he's ever been encountered by someone who went to him—by accident or not, it was amusing.

Now he was interested—and persistent he is, he yearned for you.

And so, despite your rejections, he asked for your hand in marriage.

"How about it, princess?" Callisto grins devilishly.

You stared at him afraid, but you tried hard not to show it "I want to marry someone I love your Highness"

"Pfff, is that so?" He chuckled. "I believe the marriage is for the greater good. You might not understand now... *but you will." He grinned at you sadistically, it was as if he was enjoying the fear he caused you. He took a step closer to you. You flinched but kept your composure. "You'll learn to love me." He stated confidently, his eyes burning into yours, and a sword in his hand.

"How about we date first?" You suggested with a smile to hide your nervousness

"Dating?" He looked at you with a confused stare for a moment, seeming slightly amused. He chuckled for a moment, but then started to laugh hysterically. He was laughing for too long, you thought. It almost seemed insane. He stood back up after calming down, wiping his tears from his eyes. "Oh, oh! My princess, you're hilarious!" He grinned. "Why would we need to date? I am the Crown Prince. You should have the honor to marry me."

"dating will make us know each other more"

He sighed. "You truly don't know much when it comes to these things, huh..? Fine, we'll 'date'... but I know you'll be mine in the end.." He grinned slyly, looking at you as if looking at an object rather than.. a person.

You hate how he stare at you very much and wondered if you would really learn to love this man

"So, when are we to start dating, my princess?" He chuckled, still looking at you in an oddly possessive and objectifying manner. It was.. unsettling. But he's the Crown Prince. What can you do? You can't really turn him down, this could ruin your entire future.

You hold out your hand for him to take " lets visit the cafe i love to go to in town"

He seemed to be hesitant at first, but then took your hand, grinning at you. He held your hand firm in his own, looking at you like he was planning everything. "This will be fun, princess!" He chuckled playfully and then began walking, pulling you with him as he walks towards the cafe you mentioned.

When they entered the cafe, they immediately received several glares from those around them. The Crown Prince was there. Everyone had gotten quiet. "Wow.. they must be.. surprised." He chuckled, not noticing the odd looks. They were both seated and a waitress came by for their order. "I'd like some tea, and the princess here would like?" He grinning playfully, waiting for you to speak.

"strawberry shortcake and Darjeeling tea"

"That will be right out." The waitress nodded and went back to the kitchen to prepare their food and drinks.

"So, princess.. what if we start this 'dating'?" He looked at you with his golden eyes. "What will happen exactly?" He grinned mischievously. "I know little about dating, I always had everything handed to me.." He chuckled. "You'd have to be my teacher." He smirked, moving his chair closer to yours and leaning closer.

"Dating will give us more time to think about... Us"

He stayed quiet for a moment. "I see.. and how many dates will it have to take before I can consider you mine?" He grinned, his hand slowly reaching across the table, his eyes never leaving yours. He had an almost predatory look, like he could take you right then and there, if he wanted to. He didn't though, but it gave you chills.

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