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"Shall I do it?.." He whispered. "Give you a kiss in front of them all?~"

You blushed and covered his mouth with your hand "stop teasing me"

"But that's how I am, my princess." His words were muffled by your hand on his mouth, but he didn't seem to mind much.. he actually looked like he enjoyed it quite a lot.

He chuckled as you covered his mouth and gave you a mischievously sly smile, his golden eyes once again staring deep into yours. "Maybe I should do something more.. if I can't tease.." He was looking at you with that same cunning grin he always had. He looked so confident with himself. "Any suggestions.. my princess?"

"how about going somewhere where no one can see us first?" You glared as you could feel the guards eye on you both

He stared back at you for a while before sighing. "Very well.. but first let's return to my place, my princess. We'll go from there." He grinned and stood up, holding out his hand to you to help you up from your chair. He was much taller than you, almost a foot taller. He gave you a wink with a cheeky smile on his lips. "And.. once we enter.. don't expect me.. to hold back~" He teased, the corner of his mouth turning up in a familiar mischievous grin.

You covered your blushing face "stop teasing me"

He chuckled. "Are you so easily flattered, princess?" He teased, as he moved his hand to caress your cheek gently, his thumb brushing against your skin, the touch felt warm.

The corners of his lips turned up in a warm smile. "Well, either way, the teasing won't stop, my princess." He said softly, his golden eyes burning right into yours, almost penetrating you with the intensity. "So.. are you ready to see how.. intense my teasing can get~?" He teased and smirked.

You groaned before you start to walk faster

"Oh my, impatient much?" He teased, smirking and running after you as you started walking faster. He soon caught up and walked at your pace, his golden eyes looking straight ahead as he kept that cunning smirk on his lips even as he was walking. "Why the hurry, my princess? I don't mind, but.. is there.. something that made you walk faster?" He asked, the corner of his lip turning up a bit into a sly smile. "Was I making you nervous~?"

You groaned and suddenly stopped walking "you are, so shut up"

He looked at you for a moment, before chuckling softly and then grinning. "Hmm.. are you telling me to shut up my princess?" He teased, raising an eyebrow for a moment.
He gave a soft, sly smile and sighed. "I don't recall you being this.. well.. bold before.. are you perhaps trying something on me?" He whispered and moved his face closer to you, his hand on your cheek in a gentle touch. "Because if you are... then we most definitely need to move somewhere more private.." He whispered and smiled again.

you only glare at him before starting to walk even faster

He grinned, walking after you as you sped up once again. He chuckled softly. "Someone is in a hurry~" He teased, his eyes burning straight into yours from behind his golden hair.

He smirked. "Maybe you're just trying to get somewhere alone with me..~" His tone dropped to a lower whisper and the corners of his lips curled into a sly smile. "Is that it, my princess?~"

"Stop teasing me" you groaned

"But.. you're fun to tease, my princess..!" He grinned, moving his hand to caress your cheek once again.

His hand was warm, and his expression was mischievously sly. He seemed to be enjoying teasing you, and you could tell, you were probably blushing quite a bit. "Are you getting flustered again?~" He whispered teasingly, as he leaned closer, his lips just nearly touching yours.

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