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"I feel like I'm going to puke," I say to Willow as I wash my face "Just take deep breaths, and if you truly can't do it, no one can get mad at you for how you feel," She says and I pat my face dry 

"I can't just let everyone down simply because I don't want to be around my ex," I say and she rolls her eyes "Yes you can, and you aren't letting anyone down, you don't owe anyone an expectation as too why you don't want to be there," She says as we lean against her bathroom sink counter 

"I just don't what to do or how I feel, and I hate that," I say sighing "But I just have to get over it, after this I never have to see him again and I can simply go on with my life," I say trying to end the conversation because I can't keep talking about it 

"I have to leave soon for hair and makeup but I love you, and thank you for trying to help me," I smile at her before giving her a hug "Just please choose what you feel is better for yourself, and drink water," She says laughing at the last part 

I quickly get dressed before calling an Uber to bring me to the hotel where my hair and makeup are getting done. while we are doing LA press I'm staying with Willow mainly because I don't want to sleep in some random hotel but also because it's been four months since I last saw her 

"Hey you still feeling up to it?" my manager says on the other end of the phone while I get my hair done "No, but I'm already committed so I have to go," I sigh and he laughs 

"I'm so sorry, but I swear we tried to go for as little amount of time as possible, and you only have three interviews today," He says and I nod even though he can't see me "I know,"

"Maybe if you guys just talk everything will be fine," He suggests "Maybe, but the thought of that right now is making me want to throw up," I laugh 

"You guys will take separate cars to the first one but for the other two you will be riding together unfortunately," He says and I sigh yet again "That's fine,"


"Okay if you just go through that door you'll see where your interview is happening, good luck," Some random lady that walked me to the room said and I nod with a smile before saying thank you

I take a deep breath before walking into the room, I open the door and the first person I saw was Jack... He hadn't noticed me yet because he was talking to some of the camera crew but who I'm assuming the interviewer was, said hey and he looked over

Our eyes met and I felt my heart drop, my hands felt warm and moist, and my stomach felt empty. "How are you?" The older lady says and I break eye contact with Jack and look over toward her "I'm good, how are you?" I ask her with a smile while I walk closer to her 

"I'm amazing, you guys can just take a seat on this couch and we will get started once you're ready," She says with a smile and I sit on the light grey couch filled with different kinds of pillows 

"hey," Jack says to me softly with a smile "Hi," I say while giving him half smile 

"You guys ready?" The lady asks and we both nod


The interview only lasted about thirty minutes, Jack and I didn't interact much only when we were talking about the same thing, but she mostly asked us each separate questions so that was good.

right now he and I were standing outside while we waited for our ride, both in awkward silence as we tapped our left foot, at the same pace. "hey," He says quickly and I look over at him 

"hey," I nod awkwardly "Look, I know clearly we aren't close anymore and it's so awkward but I don't want it to be, I at least want to be able to stand near you without feeling like I'm going to throw up," he says and I laugh 

"I said basically the same thing earlier to my manager," I say and he laughs "but I also don't want this to be awkward because it makes me enjoy this whole movie press shit even less than I already did," I sigh 

"Yea, I know that it will always be awkward but I felt too scared to even look at you earlier," he says and I nod in agreement "This whole thing just feels weird," I say 

"Yea it does, I truly don't even know how to make it feel un-weird," he shrugs and I nod my head "I mean we could try I don't know just talking or just hanging out," I suggest slowly 

"I think that'd be a good idea," He nods as the car pulls up 

𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 // 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now