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"What do you want to do today?" Jack asks as we lie down next to one another; close but not touching. "Not sure what there is to do," I shrug

"We could just lay here and watch movies," he suggests "Sounds good to me," I say grabbing the remote and then getting under the blanket

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask as I scroll on Netflix "Literally anything," He laughs "Wait can we watch outer banks? I haven't had the time to start it and I feel left out," I laugh

"Yea, I haven't watched it either so we can watch it," He says and I scroll back to where I just saw it. I press play and set the remote down before moving closer to Jack and resting my head on his chest. Then he slips his left arm around my waist.

"Wait what is this show even about?" Jack asks "I think it about like a scavenger hunt for some gold I don't know," I laugh

"Sounds convincing," He laughs "I know," I shrug

About twenty-five minutes into the first episode Jack and I haven't said a word to one another. Just appreciating each other's company and watching the movie. There's this pit in my stomach that is making me feel like my head is on fire, the more I feel his hands on my waist and hear his heartbeat the pit grows stronger and stronger

I shift my body in hopes it'll help me concentrate but anytime I move his hands either slide up my waist or down, which is making me want to either jump out the window or kiss him. "You okay?" Jack asks concerned

"huh? Oh yea," I say shaking my head "You sure? Cause you keep moving," he laughs slightly

"yea, just trying to get comfy," I say while looking at the TV but having no clue what has happened

"Actually, can we go out and do something?" I ask him while sitting up "yea, sure, we can go out to eat?" He suggests and I grab the remote to pause the TV

"Yea that sounds good, I just can't really focus on the show right now," I say getting off the bed "I'm gonna shower first and then we can go," I say and he nods

I quickly grab clothes before making my way into the bathroom. I set down my stuff and run my hands through my hair. I don't know why I am feeling like this but it needs to go away, Jack and I can't date again it's simple. If it didn't work the first time it's not going to work now.

He's just my friend. A friend who I once was madly in love with, a friend who knows every possible thing about me. God damnit, I need to stop, actually, stop.

After my shower I brush through my hair and obviously get dressed, I walk out back into the bedroom to see Jack laying on the bed with his back against the headboard with one hand resting behind his head and the other holding his phone.

"You ready?" I manage to spit out "Yea," he says smiling up at me before he gets out of the bed

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Liked by baileybass, julesleblanc, and 725,972 others

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Liked by baileybass, julesleblanc, and 725,972 others

indigoreid: originally started out as us going to get food but I made Jack take pictures of me 🤑

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jackchampion: Slayed per usual
^indigoreid: ik ik

willowbarnes: baby 😻
^indigoreid: wifey 😩

baileybass: beautiful girl
^indigoreid: love u

joshuabasset: Willow won't stop crying
^indigoreid: ICE CREAM

julesleblanc: so pretty
^indigoreid: thank you love

jordancortez: ❤️❤️

username: obsessed with her outfit

username: her eyes tho

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Liked by jamieflatters, britiandalton, and 429,972 others

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Liked by jamieflatters, britiandalton, and 429,972 others

jackchampion: found a wild Indigo Reid

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indigoreid: not wild
^jackchampion: how would you like me to describe you? Calm until she's awake? but no yesterday in her sleep she practically slapped me in the face because she moves so much
^^indigoreid: we can stick with wild...

jamieflatters: JACK
^jackchampion: JAMIE

misstrinitybliss: ugh I miss her
^inidgoreid: I miss you too love

jordancortez: shes so cute

username: favorite people

username: why is no one talking about the fact that they slept in the same bed?!
^username: idk but I'm freaking out

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Author's note

 I am so so sorry for not updating for a week, I have been super busy with school and studying for my finals, there should be another chapter coming out tonight if I have the energy. 

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