2~quit playing with me

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Finney pov~it had been a few months since I last talked to Robin but I have seen him around the halls he seemed happy but i wish he wasn't "hey Finney " I was startled by... Robin? "Uh how are you-" he asked "why do you care? "  I roll my eyes "don't get smart with me puta" he says "you think I care? Because I don't. " I snarl "... You want your ass beat again? " he narrows his eyes "do it " I say "ok" he smirks and grabs my shoulder but I flip him over me "how did you... " he stands up and swings but I grab his arm and twist it "ok... Ok chill" he says in defeat "do you wanna be in the hospital for summer? Cuz I can do that" I say rubbing my head because I was sweating "later loser" I say and walk away but he grabs my arm flipping me over his shoulder onto the floor "fucking bitch! " I yell and stand up punching him.

I was sitting on a hill smoking because I can "hey Finn" Robin says, I blow smoke into his face "first of all its finney second of all what do you want" I stated "I want to talk and I can fucking call you whatever the fuck I want" he says and sits down next to me "you know smoking can kill you? " robin stated "but you do it too" I say "well yes.. " he says "and I'm glad it could kill me" I say looking away handing Robin the cigarette "thanks but were you serious about the thing you said.. " Robin said taking a puff of the cigarette I didn't answer "Finn.. " Robin said putting his hand on mine, he looked down seeing scars from my self harm, Robin gave me the cigarette back and I took a puff "Finn.. You can talk to me you know" Robin said "the last time I did that you ended up using me for things. " I say and hand Robin the cigarette back "I wasn't ready for a relationship yet.. " he says "then why did you litterly almost fuck me? " I say looking at him as he blew smoke into the air "... I was just being dumb I shouldn't have played with your heart like that" he said looking at me with those eyes... Those eyes are just fucking cute! "I'm sorry Finney" he said did he actually call me by my name and not my nickname "uh... Wanna come back to my house? " Robin asked "sure " I say and stand up, Robin threw the cigarette and we started walking to his house. Once we got there Robin opened a drawer and took out a cigarette and a towel to cover the door. I lit the cigarette for Robin "so uh how has everything been?" Robin asks blowing smoke into the  air "uh good but I hate going through puberty and keep getting boners for no reason" I laugh "same it sucks" Robin says and gives me the cigarette I took a puff and blew the smoke into the air "I'm tired" I said "well you can go to sleep" Robin said "I guess" I say and lay down next to Robin soon Robin layed down next to me turning the light off (btw it was summer break after that one day of school) I woke up to find Robin gone so I got up looking in the bathroom to see him in the bathroom  "oh Goodmorning" Robin smiled "hi.. " I mumble hugging Robin "you still tired? " Robin chuckles and hugs me back "yea.. I'm still tired" I say as Robin picks me up so I don't fall asleep standing, I wrap my legs around his waist and put my head on his shoulder falling asleep.

"Finn.. " Robin whispered waking me up "hm" I groaned rubbing my eyes sitting up "you gotta get up you have been asleep for an hour" Robin says softly, I stand up and hug Robin again "we have to go come on" Robin said but I didn't listen "ok.. You won't listen I guess I have to carry you every where" Robin chuckles and picks me up and I nuzzle into his neck "Finn you are not making this easy" Robin sighed. After a few minutes I was fully awake "I'm bored so what do you wanna do? " Robin asks "uh.. Idk" I say and look down at my hands "Finn! " robin yells "huh...? " I say looking up to see Robin super close to my face "ah shit! " I yell and take a step back "are you ok? " Robin asks "uh... Yea I'm fine.. Haha" I let out a small chuckle. It had been a week and me and Robin got closer but I had to admit I really liked him and I was bad at hiding it "Finney! Pfft its you again" someone said "I don't want shit today" I said as I turn around seeing a fist was about to go in my face but I backed away "aww that's no fun" Moose laughed running towards me so I ran into an ally bumping into someone "sorry! " I yell and was about to run but the person grabbed me "what's happening Finn? " Robin said "uhm.. Nothing I was just going on a run" I lie "oh Finney.... Where are you" moose says "shit.. " I say and try to get away from Robin "not so fast pretty boy" Robin smirked "please I really need to go! " I yelled hearing mooses voice get louder "I don't think so.. " Robin said "oh there you are.... " moose says but then seeing Robin and scams "you owe me a 'thank you' " Robin says "I got to go now! Moose might come back anytime now! " I yell but Robin tightening his grip and taking me to his house "hey!" I yell, Robin pins me to the floor "now quit moving around! " Robin says but then Robins breath fans against my face "don't make this hard Amor" he whispered, I tried moving my hand but he tightend his grip

I somehow got my hand up but he just slammed it back down "Robin.. " I say trying to get out of his grip "stop.. Now Finn" Robin says with a pissed off look "you can't tell me what to do" I say "oh but... I can" he hesitated "just let me go! " I yell trying to move my hand "quit trying it's not gonna work." He said "Robin I swear-" but I was cut off "you swear what?! Huh you swear fucking what?! " Robin tightening his grip "ow.. " I groan throwing my head back but Robin grabs my chin making me look at him "Robin just let me go... Please" i say "no I'm not letting you go until you say 'thank you' " Robin smirks "no..you didn't do anything for me to say that" I snarl "if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be awake right now! " he says pissed

I didn't think twice about kicking him but I did standing up quickly looking at my arm and it was red but next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall "Robin... Stop just let me g-" I felt lips slam into mine, my eyes widened and i gasped but closing my mouth before Robin could get his tongue in my mouth "Robin.. " I say but of course my mouth was open so he slid his tongue into my mouth I knew he was grinning, I couldn't push him because my hands were pinned to the wall so I just relaxed my body and kissed back

We stopped for breath but soon Robin started kissing me again, he bit my lip so I parted my lips and he slid his tongue into my mouth as I moaned, Robin let my hands down but his body was pressed against mine "I missed this" Robin said out of breath I didn't say anything "my mom might be home soon so uh... Let's go to my room" he says and grabs my hand taking me upstairs to his room pushing me on the bed "Robin.. " I said stopping him from kissing me "what? " he asked "what.. What if whe end up having sex because of this... " I say quickly looking away "we won't... And we are going to highschool next year so that seems like a good age" Robin says "ok but I just wanna be careful.. " I say looking back at Robin as he kisses me again "you keep moving around " Robin says taking his bandana off and tied my hands up.

It had been a few hours since what happened "hello mi amor~" Robin smirked hugging me "hello Robin " I say and kiss his cheek "you still owe me a 'thank you' " he said smiling "no I don't" I say "you do tho" he said kissing me grinning against my lips "I promise I won't use you this time" Robin smiled

"Love I cut my stomach can you bandage it? " Robin cried "my lord what did you do? " I say walking over to him "I uh...... Got into a fight! Yea a fight! " Robin says confendly "well if you want me to fix your stomach you gotta take ur shirt off" I say so he does but I don't see any cuts "where are the cu-" Robin grabbed me "wait what... Where are the cuts? " I ask "there are none my dear~l lied" he smirked "... What..but why...? " I ask "oh Finn you are so clueless" Robin smirks as he pushes me on the ground "what...? " I said confused as Robin gets on top of me sliding his hand up my shirt rubbing my sides, a shiver goes down my spine at the feeling of Robins hand I grab his hand but he just slaps it away "Robin... " I wimper trying to make him stop "yes what do you need " he asks "your hand out of my shirt " I said but he doesn't listen I sit up but he didn't realize it and his hand went down to my pants I blush hard and hide my face "amor please don't hide your face" he said " but you literally put your hand on my cock! " I yell still not looking at him "I didn't mean to" he said and grabbed my hands.

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