10~ Holy shit!

364 7 7

It was a ring!? "Robin i-..i" I stood up quickly and looked at him "so? What do you say? " he smirked "uh... I- uhm.....
" come on Finney say yes! You have been waiting for this day since middle school! "YES!" I smiled and hugged him "I'm glad you wanna marry me.. " Robin kissed my head "we're only 20..." I finally said "so? I don't care! " he smirked

I couldn't even believe it! Me married to someone famous? "So love... Do you think a German and a Mexican is a good match?" Robin laughed "of course it is! " I looked at him kissing him "good because you gotta teach me some! " he laughed "nein! (No!) " I laughed "what-?" He asked "I said no so you could start there! " I kissed him again "hm.. I thought you said nine-" he laughed "German is weird.. " I went to sit on the couch "maybe while we're fucking you could only speak German and I could only speak Spanish" he winked "you don't understand German tho-" I said confused "I could learn... By your German moans" he smirked "ok... Sure but if you don't learn German then you owe me 25" I stood up "alright.. " he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my ass "nein... Nein... Nein" I pulled his hands up "Por que no puedo(why can't I?) " he asked "Du musst mich zuerst ficken(you gotta fuck me first) " he didn't understand but he smiled and picked me up

(Smut I guess...?)
I grabbed Robins shoulders "schneller Bitte...(faster please) " he understood that because I kept saying it and he went faster "te gusta?(you like?)" "Ja (yes) " I wimpered "mas te vale (you better) " he groaned. He came but he didn't stop "lo estas haciendo bien(your doing good) " he groaned in my ear. After a few more minutes he was done "you learned some German good job! " I kissed him standing up "so... We both need a shower so.. You know where this is going" he smiled "ok let's go... " I grabbed his arm taking him to the bathroom

We were in the shower and I kept trying not to look down at Robins abs but it was difficult "you know you can look down-" I looked up at him "yes.. I know but I just don't wanna" but Robin pushed my head down "ay!" I yelled looking back up.

"Hey love I have a concert in Germany so you wanna go? " he smirked "hell yea! " I smirked "ok well we gotta go tonight so get dressed and pack your stuff! " he kissed me

I went to the room and I got dressed in a outfit that I thought Robin would like (what it looked like)

"Damn! Your hot! " he smirked kissing me "I know" I walked over to the kitchen "what are you doing? " he asks "nothing I'm just bored" he went and opened the front door "we gotta go so grab the suit cases and let's go" I grabbed the suitcases and we left

"So your also German? " Dominick asked "yup" I lay my head on Robins shoulder "sick! So we can talk shit about Robin and he would never know! " he chuckled "dude I'm right here-" Robin looked at Dominick "I know-" Dominick laughed "your so mean to him for no reason" Liam says "what no! " I ended up falling asleep

Robin woke me up "hm? " I opened my eyes "we at a rest stop" Robin smiled "oh.. Ok" I got up and went inside

After we were done we got back on the bus "I'm so bored!!!! " Liam complained "then go to sleep" Robin replied "ok" he closed his eyes

I guess I feel asleep because when I woke up nobody was on the bus "guys?" I asked standing up, it was very dark and I tripped over something "ow.. " I stood up but fell again

I looked over and I saw a creepy looking man "AH! " I screamed and scurried away "FINN?! " Robin yelled and ran toward me "you ok? " I looked up at him "I... There was a.. It was-" Robin hugged me "shh... It's ok" he whispered "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN DOMINCK! " as Dominick got up with a full face of makeup "jeez... Sorry" I stood up "it's fine... I just scare myself sometimes" I apologized to Dominick and sat down

Once we got to Germany we went to a store "Hallo!" I smiled at the woman at the front desk but she gave me a dirty look "puta... " Robin said under his breath "du bist schisses! (You suck) " I turned and walked away "what does that mean? " Robin asked "nothing important" but he grabbed my arm "tell me!! " I looked at him "fine.... It means you suck" I chuckled "oh... " Robin let go of my arm "do I have to learn German?!" Robin asked "yes because your in Germany" he nodded slowly

"Ok Robin say wie geht es dir(how are you) " he sighed "wie geht es dir" I kissed Robin and he smiled "now start a conversation with me" he cleared his throat "Hallo... Wie geht es dir? " he asked "gut dass du?(good you?)" "Gut... " he smiled "Willst du abhangen?(do you wanna hang out) " I asked "ja.. " I kissed him "good job" "danke" he smirked "Oh, du willst also einfach nur Deutsch sprechen(oh so you just wanna speak German?) " I smiled "nah I'm just playing" he smirked "ah ok.. " I saw Dominick walk in "ok lovebirds let's go" I blushed at his comment

We went to a meet and greet at the mall "how fun is this? " Liam smiled "very" i saw a girl all up on Robin ".. Ouch" I mumbled "Finney" I heard a voice behind me. I looked over to see my dad "what are you doing here? " he looked over to see Robin "oh just... " I showed him my ring "did you two... " he dragged me away "are you serious? Your not marrying him! " I gave him a confused look "what? Yes I am" "Finney I am your father so you do what I say" I walked off and went back to the boys "who the hell was that? " I looked at Liam "nobody" I looked back at Robin and gave a sad smile because that girl was still all up on him "let's go get something to eat" I nodded and me and Liam went to a food court "what do you want to eat?" I looked at the menu "hm...maybe...a sandwich" he nodded

After we ate we went back to where everyone was "omg Finney!" Robin hugged me "I'm fine...chill" he pulled back "where were you?" I looked at Liam and smiled "I was getting food" he let out a sigh "don't scare me like that! " I shake my head "Robin I won't"

After the mall which we stayed there for like 3 hours we decided to go to dinner

"So Finney why do you like this dick? " Dominick burst out laughing "uh.... I'm not sure... Exactly.. " i mumbled

I feel something grab my thigh and I look down seeing Robins hands "that's funny.... Real funny! " Robin shakes his head and squeezed my thigh

I slap his hand away and the other boys look at me confused "what? Why'd you slap him? " I turn red "uh... He... Uh
.... Uh.. He.. " I stop talking knowing I just made a huge fool if myself "aw is someone flustered? " Robin chuckled "shut up! " I whisper yelled "hm... Whatever" Robin rolled his eyes

He put his hand back on my thigh and moved his hand up to my crotch "nein! Das tut man nicht! (No! You don't do that!)" Robin raised an eyebrow "huh? " Robin took his hand off my thigh "don't do what? " Dominick asked "nothing... " I mumbled feeling embarrassed "ok then.. "

Me and Robin got home and I was sitting on the couch "Mi Amor... I'm tired.. Can we go to bed? " I nodded and turned the tv off

We got in bed and I laid my head on Robins chest

The next morning I got up I didn't see Robin "love..? " I asked

After an hour of searching I couldn't find him and started to get angry

I called him and it went straight to voicemail "ughhhh" I groaned

After about two hours I heard the door open "Finn! I'm home! " I didn't care.. I was still mad at him

I heard him come into the room "love are you ok? " Robin asked "I'm fine" I stood up and walked past him "Finney come on.. Don't be like that" I turned around "seriously? Finney? Is that what you called me? " I scoff "jeez.. I just called you your full name.. Chill" I rolled my eyes "Finn... Come on... Don't be like that"

I continue to walk and I reached the stairs "love please talk to me" I turned around "you wanna talk? let's talk." He sighed in relief and took my hand and led me back to the bedroom "I'm sorry... I was taking so long.. I didn't know what you wanted from the store.. So I just thought.. I went through the whole store.. " I chuckled and hugged him "I'm sorry I got so mad at you.. I didn't know.. " I sighed  "it's ok...i understand why you were so angry.. " I pulled away from the hug and kissed his cheek "I love you.. " I smile "I love you too.. " I smile at him


I'm finally done! The next chapter might be good... I'm thinking about making Finney go to the military...but.. Idk yet.. Put your thoughts about my idea in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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