1~love is real

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Finney pov: I was walking down the hallway hoping Robin wouldn't see me "hey shithead! " I heard someone yell so I spun around to see Robin Arellano "you really think you could get away with that stunt you pulled? " he said smirking as he started walking toward me and he pinned me to the wall "will you leave me alone? " I said ".. Haha your funny" he said taking a swing but he missed so I punched him and his nose started gushing blood, I kicked him and tried running away but he tackled me pinning me to the floor and tried to punch me but I moved my face so his fist hit the floor and I heard a crack as he stood up and fell backwards "fuck... I think I broke my fist" he said trying not to cry I crawled toward him grabbing his hand and looking at it... It was bleeding "I can help.. If you want" I said looking up ".. Thank you.. " he said standing up, we were in the bathroom i put a paper towel on his hand as he hissed in pain starting to tear up "it's fine.. At least it's not broken" I said "it's not..? " he said tears falling down his face "your fine but you better get back to class before you get another tardy" I said "ok... " he said and hopped off the counter going to class. I had a class with Robin and Donna but luckily I was sitting next to Donna but I saw Robin glaring at me.. I knew he wanted to kill me. I was walking down the hallway when someone pulled my hair pinning me to the wall it was Robin "what do you want? " I said and looked him in the eyes I then felt a warmth by my ear "thank you.. " Robin whispered and i had to admit I kinda had a crush on him..

I was at my house and gwen was at her friends and my dad was at work so I was watching a horror movie when someone knocked so I answered to see Robin "what do you want? " I asked "no questions! " he said and pushed his way into my house "what are you doing-" I asked "what the fuck did I just say Finn" a shiver went down my spine at the comment of my name "... Finn? Is that what you just called me? " I asked but Robin pinned me to the wall "no questions... " he whispered in my ear "fuck.. " I mumbled "hm? What was that? Robin looked at me " uh... Nothing " I said not wanting my face to get pounded "tell me before I fucking kill you" he snarled "you won't" I said confendly "ok.. " he said taking me outside and slammed my head into the ground ".. Ow! " I said my voice shaking as I started crying "pathetic... " he said and left. It had been an hour and my head still hurt like hell so I took a walk and felt something push me into a wall but it wasn't Robin... It was moose "hey little fairy" he said "please just leave me alone.. " I said but he threw me on the ground and I scraped my palms and he got on top of me but before he was gonna punch me someone stopped him "Vance beat his ass" a voice said that sounded familiar and it was Robin "are you ok? " he asked kneeling down and grabbing my hand looking at my palm "hey Vance where is the bandaids?" He asked but then bandaids got thrown at him "fuck you! " Robin yelled and grabbed a band aid "I don't need it.. " I said looking away trying to get up be he just pulled me back down and put the bandaids on my palm "now we are going back to my house " he said and grabbed me. We were at Robins house and his mom answered the door "Quién es ese? ( oh who's this?) " his mom asked  "mamá este es Finn(mom this is Finn) " Robin replied and took me upstairs "hey uh can you check my fist again it might be infected" Robin asked "uh sure.. Come here" I say so he does "hmm.. they aren't they are just scabs" I say and smile "thank you Amor... I mean  Finn" he said well I didn't know much Spanish but I knew he said love "what did you call me..? " I said blushing hard "oh... Uh I.. I didn't mean to" he said "yea right... I know what you-" but I felt lips on mine I gasped realizing it was Robin but with my lips parted he had an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth, I moaned then pushed him "woah... I'm not gay.. " I said "that moan said otherwise" he smirked, I back into the wall.. Great! An easy way for him to kiss me even more, Robin started moving closer to me kissing me again biting my lip for me to part my lips so I did and he slid his tongue in my mouth I moan into the kiss as I fall on top of him, we stopped to breathe "your lips are soft" he says and smiles "oh.. " I say as he kisses me one more time before picking me up "woah! " I yell as he lays me on his bed laying next to me wrapping his hand around my waist as he pulls me close to him "so you do like me" Robin whispers in my ear ".. Uh no of course not! " I say trying to piss him off "don't play with me Finney Blake " he says and grabs my chin to make me look at him, he kisses me again and moves down to my neck putting his hand up my shirt "Robin.. " I say quietly and grab his arm taking his hand out of my shirt but he was still kissing my neck then he started sucking on my neck "Robin what if my dad finds out... "  I say stopping him from kissing my neck as I look away "Finn he won't.." Robin says grabbing my chin kissing me again I slide my hand up his shirt feeling his abs "want a better look? " he asks "uh.. Uhm.. I guess" I say confused so he stands up taking his shirt off and throwing it aside and getting back on the bed grabbing my hand and puts it back on his abs, I blush and stuff my face in his chest "geez.. " I say smelling his calone "jeez what? " he says "uh.. Nothing" I say "you said something now tell me" he says and grabs my face "uh.. I was just surprised that you took your shirt off.. " I lie "hm..should I take my pants off too" he says "ah no! " I say hiding my face in my hands "Oh come on don't hide now pretty boy" he says and grabs my hands and pins them above me "oh no.. Here it comes" I say sighing "here what comes? " he asks "making out.. " I say  " I didn't even think about that but now... " he says and get on top of me starting to kiss me but his mom walks in "OH DIOS MÍO ROBIN ARELLANO! LO SIENTO MUCHO!!(OMG ROBIN ARELLANO I'M SO SORRY!!)" she yells and slams the door Robin still kissing me "Robin your mom just walked in-" I say "so? now shush" he says kissing me but I put my finger on his lips "hey why did you do that! " he complains "I can't breathe- give me a second to breathe please... " I say sitting up Robin still on top of me but he rolls over to where I'm on top I push his bandana down over his eyes "hey!" Robin yells fixing his bandana "I swear I'm gonna tie you up with this bandana" he says and laughs "nuh-uh! " I say crossing my arms "did you forget you were on top of me? " Robin asks ".. Wait I'm what! " I yell falling "omg are you ok?! " Robin asks "yea... I'm fine" I say and stand up. It was late and Robin gave me one of his shirts to sleep in because he didn't want me going home alone because there were warnings about a guy named the grabber. It was already morning and I didn't want to go to school but I had to. I went to my house to get dressed and Robin was outside waiting, after I got dressed I went out side and me and Robin started walking to school. Once we were there Robin ignored me the whole day... "Hey Robin.. " I said "aw it's the little bitch I beat up" he said laughing, my heart broke "now scram before things get ugly" he demanded but I stayed still, he pinned me to the wall and punched me so I swung at him and struck him in the mouth making him bleed "oh you puta!" He yells and swings at me and hits my nose hard I feel tears forming as I kick him running to the bathroom not even going into a stall just sliding down the wall, I see Robin walk in and see a little guilt in his eyes but he stops that shit really fast "oh there you are... " he says smirking "Jesus Christ I'd rather get kidnapped then spend a day with your annoying ass" I say and stand up about to leave but Robin stops me "the fuck did you just say!? " he says with a lot of guilt now "I'd rather be kidnapped then be with ur annoying ass" I snarled with a pissed off look he had nothing to say "wanna see a magic trick? You see my hand" I say and ball it up and punch him "it's called a punch bitch! " I yell "motherfucker... " he says and pins me to the floor "get off me! " I yell trying to get him off me but he kisses me "will that stop your annoying ass! " he looks into my eyes, I still have a pissed off look and wipe my mouth to make him mad so he kisses me again so I wipe it off again "quit trying. " I say pushing him off me and leaving the bathroom wiping the blood off my face even though it was drying.

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