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"NOW SPEAK UP!!!" Wilhemina has her guards to bring in almost half a quarter of the guards from the prison, they all take turn to say the word "fucking whore" I was there carefully listen.

When they get to the 41th man, I recognize it even his face is familiar "THAT'S HIM" I raise my voice pointing at him, "bring them all out except this bastard" she get him tied up in a wooden chair.

"do you have any idea of who I am?" she grips his face with her leather gloves, "yes", "and do you know what would happen when you lay a finger on what's mine", he stayed silent "she's my goddamn wife, and you hurt her" "now you're going to pay" she pulls out one of his nail, stab him right in the eyeball with a knife, "no one don't hurt my baby and live" she pulls out her lilac diamond pistol shot him below his neck, he start choking on blood, "finish him off, but make it painful" she pull out her glove and throw it at him before leads me out the door, the room is soundproof so there's no worries.


"Thank you for what you've done today..." I smile at her with my pale face, dark circle below my eyes. "For you, dear. If it means that I've to bring in the apocalypse so i can protect you, I would with no second thought, I love you" she kiss my palm, "I love you too so so much"

"Also earlier you said I'm your wife, uhhh did you really meant that?" I giggles, she give me a cute look and pull out a tiny purple box revealing the most beautiful diamond ring "Mina... are you serious?" I gasp, "yes I am, dear" , "REALLY???" She smile "Davina Clair, would you marry me?", "YES YESSSS GOD YESSSS" I hold out my hand, the ring fit me perfectly "oh my god... it's stunning I love ittt, I love you" I kiss her.


Tonight, Wilhemina and I are out for dinner in the most luxury restaurant in the city, "please follow me Ms.Venable" the waitress says, "it's cold tonight" i whispers to Mina, she took off her coat and place it over my shoulders with her hand behind me. "Thank you" I says and she give a seductive wink.

We sat there waiting for our orders, "how are you feeling" she asks taking my hand in hers, "I'm okay just a bit tired" I told Wilhemina I wanted to keep the baby, and she agreed. "you're so strong and brave, you know that?" she rubs her thumb over my skin, "you're being so sweet, I might get diabetes" she burst out laughing, I love to see her like this, it makes me happy.

"You have really pretty lips" I stare at her plump lips, she bite her lip, "if you bite keep on biting your lip, I'm going to do it for you" I place the napkin over my dress while keeping eye contact, I can see she's blushing, "such a sweet talker today" she smirk.

We enjoy our dinner, listening to the classy music playing in the background. I keep on downing red wine, suddenly I feel cramps in my lower abdomen, worse than period pain, I excuse myself to the restroom. I thought I was having my period.

In the toilet, I pulled down my underwear and there is blood coming out from my vagina, I starting to panic, I text Wilhemina.
[Me]: baby I'm bleeding

Not a second later, the door open "DAVINA what happen oh my god" she see the blood flowing down my legs, "I don't know fuckkk the cramps is hurting so bad" I hold on to her, she call her security guards, "fuckkk I can't breath" sweat appears on my forehead.

She carried me out the restaurant into the car, "drive fast" she says to her driver, I grasp on her clothes, "breath baby, breath with me" , "help me Mina", "breath we're close"


They bring me in the emergency room, Wilhemina is waiting outside.

W.V pov:
About two hours later, the doctor come out "how is she? Is she ok?" i almost faint myself, "I'm sorry, the mother is okay but we couldn't save the child" he says, oh thanks god. "Can I see her?", "yes"

My precious girl laying on the hospital bed for god knows how many times already, "baby?" I take her hand, "Mina... the baby is gone" she sobs, "I know baby, it's okay" I comfort her until she calm down.

D.C pov:
After two days in the hospital, we allow to come home, "how are you feeling?" Mina gently put me on the bed, "better than ever, thank you" Wilhemina go to her closet and bring back a medium lavender box, "what is it??" I sit up, "a beautiful gift for my beautiful girl" she sit down next to me, I open it and it's a heritage in bloom necklace, "no way" I widen my eyes, "babyyyy" i jumps onto her, "you like it?" She grin, "yesss I love it, but this is too much", "nothing is too much for my wife"


"Stop teasing me so much" i whimper, she twirl her tongue around my nipple, my hand pulling on her hair, "fuck me" I whisper, she look at me "are you sure? cause once we start I might not be able to stop" a naughty smirk appear on her face, "fuck me as you please" I growl, "as you wish but behave like a good girl for me understand?" I nods, "words baby", "yes mommy, I'll behave"

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