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"you ever been on a horse, Davina?" Warren put a helmet and riding glove on me, his whole family is here.

"You're gorgeous Davina, next time show me how to properly do my make up" Aria taking a picture of me climbing up the horse.

"It's my first time" I says to Warren, "would love to Aria" I laugh.

"Careful" "are you sure you wanna do solo ride? and you really wanna do this?" he fixing the belt, "Yes" I'm still struggling to go up the horse, I throw one of my leg to the other side accidentally sit on the horse the opposite side, "Davina that's... I don't think facing his butt would work" he burst out laughing, my face was all red from laughing with them.

"They're here mom" Aria says, I follow her directions to see Wilhemina and her fiancé walking hand in hand towards us, and I'm still on the horse the opposite way.

I remember Wilhemina told me she used to be in a horse racing since she was little, an actual pro. I see they are both already fit to ride. She's hot in that dark purple jacket, white breeches and black boots with her hair up in a pony tail. They also matched their clothes making me roll my eyes.

They talks with the others and Wilhemina eyed me, I know she's trying to contain her laughter by how she sucking and biting on her inner cheek.

Warren to me the ride will be about two hours long since we're going into the forest to see the waterfall.

As we all set, making our way across the flower fields, there's rose, lavender, lily, tulip and many more, I'm having a hard time finding a way to not puke on the horse's head.

They all a little far a head, Wilhemina told her Viola to caught up with the others and she did.

I'm in front Wilhemina, doing a breathing exercise on the horse, "you know Davina, that was not how you sit on a horse" she mock, i glance at her, she notice my pale appearance.

"Whatever Ms.Venable, you better caught up with them before someone kidnap your beloved soon to be wife" I roll my eyes, "are you feeling alright?", "yes now leave me alone" I says annoyingly, gripping tighter on the rope, the horse started speeding off, Wilhemina follows, "Be careful Davina" her tone sounds concern.

I look a head they were gone, the horse doesn't stop, it keeps going faster and faster, I feel like puking and my stomach hurt so bad I think the cramp rip open my womb.

"DAVINA STOP THE HORSE" she yelled, "I CAN'T IT WON'T STOP HOW DO YOU STOP IT!?", "DAVINA!? YOU'RE BLEEDING" I look at the side of my leg and see blood soaking the white fabric, I starting to feel dizzy causing me to lose my balance and fall off.

"DAVINA" she almost jump off the horse running towards me, "are you on your period?" She asks, "no" i sobs hugging my stomach, "what is this? Why are you bleeding" she check my pulses, it's too high.

I starting to lose consciousness, "Davina!? Stay with me. stay with me!" she gently trying to make me open my eyes, "it's... hurt" that's all I manage to say.


"Davina baby open your eyes, come on Davina" I hold her, while calling to let Lidia knows that I'm taking Davina to the hospital, she seems to lose a lot of blood.


"Where is she!?" Warren comes running, "she's inside" I says, Viola sit next to me, I told them what happens, Warren's palm went straight to his forehead.

The doctor comes out, he ask for the patient's relative, "I'm her partner" Warren says, "i'm so sorry, the babe is no longer with us anymore", "a baby!?" Lidia repeat, "Warren?" She looks at her son, "fuck" he says under his breathe.

"you... YOU DID THIS TO HER!?" I step in, "YOU BASTARD, DID YOU FORCE YOURSELF ON HER!???" I can't hold it in anymore, he didn't say anything, "ANSWER ME!!!", "Wilhemina..." Viola grab my arm.

"The mother is totally fine" a doctor stated, "you and come in but one at the time please" he open the door, I didn't wait any longer.



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