-* Wake up *-

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Chapter 1

Darkness. The sound of a strong steady heartbeat. The sensation of thousands of hands skimming over my arms and legs, pushing me further and further towards that small faint speck of light growing stronger by the second. Layers of soft melodic voices urging me forward through the vividly coloured tunnel of light. It was as if somebody had lovingly held my face and kissed my lips, breathing life into my very soul.

Slowly, there was a soft tickling sensation on my arms and legs accompanied by a dulcet rusting of leaves and interrupted by the sonorous cry of a creature. I began to attempt to open my eyes, my head pounding in protest as the sunlight abruptly squeezed itself between my eyelids, forcing them open wider and wider. I let out a soft huff of pain as my eyes continued to be assaulted by the luminosity of the sun's harsh rays. 

The kaleidoscope of shapes and colours above me had unhurriedly begun to take form and soon enough I was gazing up at a thick canopy of leaves swaying to and fro as a gentle breeze floated by. I tilted my head to gaze to the side and found a thick dense jungle bursting with vibrant flora, the thick trunked trees had violet pitcher-like leaves attacked to their dense trunks stretching towards the sky trying to catch a single precious droplet of rain. The mossy bases of the trees were covered by large fern-like plants in varying sizes and shades of green, strange blue mushrooms with decorative sacks of bulbous pus littering their tops nestled between the damp roots of the trees, 'ovumshroom' a little voice in her head seemed to whisper to me, large thick plants with wide whip-like leaves were scattered evenly among the roots of the trees shaded by large yellow tinged fans with bioluminescent drooping tendrils 'ciliphant and cycad' the voice whispered again. Delicate cup-like flowers rose from the grown in varying hues of blues and purples, 'Geode', Thick vine like violet flowers wrapped tightly around the thick trunk, 'Liana', and finally her eyes landed on a soft-looking patch of green fur, '...moss' the voice softly admitted.

Everything was so... clear and so bright, all the colours and shapes and smells had almost been... Enhanced. Had I died? I couldn't remember my death.... that was odd. Gathering all my strength I lifted my arms and ran my hands down the length of my face, I had all my skin... And I couldn't feel any cuts or patches of missing skin. My hands felt strange... too smooth and large... AND BLUE!!. I sat upright abruptly as I stared at my strange blue hands and elongated fingers in panic.

"What... the... fuck" I croaked out as I observed my hands, holding them up to the sunlight and rotating them. My gaze travelled past my hands to my legs and feet, and surprise surprise, they were also blue while my feet and toes had suddenly become bipedal. I was covered in varying shades of blue broken apart by darker stripes and what appeared to be bioluminescent freckles. I felt myself sigh in relief as I realised I at least had something that could resemble a top and pants covering me. Thick leaves were wrapped around my torso and fashioned at the neck with thin strands of rope, I could feel the necklaces resting at the base of my throat too, they felt itchy and rough to my hands, and yet they sat comfortingly at the hollow base of my throat. At my groin area sat a woven loin cloth, the soft material fell gently around my thighs, the thick intertwined ropes embellished with beads and feathers.

As I sat panicking and listened to the sounds of the forest I could faintly hear a soft rusting and huffing sound closer, more panic began to set in as I realised how utterly fucked I would be if whatever was making those sounds decided that I would make a tasty snack, I was weaponless and about as graceful as a newborn on ice. With every step closer the creature took, my blood ran cooler and my breaths grew shallow, I could feel my strange pointed ears swivelling to try and discern the size of the creature that grew closer, weighing up my chance of an even fight. My muscles tensed involuntarily and my lips drew back to display a sharp set of elongated canines. The sounds of the creature still drew closer and closer, not even attempting to conceal its movements. 

My body automatically drew itself into a low crouch ready to fight for this strange body and life that had been only recently bestowed upon me, thoughts, theories and questions were flooding my head as I tried in vain to stay rational. Slowly a blue pointed head with large frill-like ears poked its head out of the bush in curiosity, somewhere in my mind a voice whispered 'hexapede' and assured me that this creature was of no harm to me. Sighing I collapsed onto my side in the mossy grass watching the bugs jump from blade to blade. 'they knew what they were, they knew why they were here, so why didn't I?'

I continued to ponder watching the bugs go about their daily lives when I felt a sharp cool blade press against my neck and suddenly rough hands pulled me to my feet by the long braid in my hair, It was the most excruciating pain I had ever been in, given that I could only remember being alive for half an hour. I howled in pain struggling against the blade and my attacker, snarling and snapping trying to claw and bite anything I could reach without getting my neck sliced open. I was abruptly whipped around to come face-to-face with my captor. She had a sharp blue-striped skinny face with high pointed cheekbones, her large feline golden eyes were blown wide and her pupils had constricted to the point of being barely visible, her hair was braided and decorated colourfully with beads and she was sporting a large jagged scar running down one side of her face.

" Lumpe aynga fìtsenge vrrtep ?!" she growled hissing the last word

" Oe nìnew tspang nga taluna nga kom fmong oeyä na'vi's tokx!" The woman howled with rage in a harsh language I couldn't understand all while pressing the bladed weapon deeper into the skin of my neck and baring her elongated canines at me.

"Please! I don't know what you mean! I don't even know how I got here! I don't even know who I am!" I pleaded to her over and over again which only seemed to further fuel her unbridled rage and hatred for me as she still applied more pressure to her weapon and spat out questions to me.

Slowly a strange white pulsating seedling descended from the sky to softly perch on the end of my nose, I went to shake it off in annoyance but the woman who has fallen uncharacteristically silent stopped me with a gentle hand to my chest, she watched in a bitter confusion as more of the seeds began to land on various parts of my body, her tail lashing furiously. I didn't know what they were but that little voice inside of my head seemed to revel in their presence, I looked in confusion at the woman still holding the jagged blade to my neck. She gritted her teeth together and growled before swiftly pulling the blade from my neck with a guttural snarl of frustration, as she stepped back she looked into the thick jungle around us. If squinted I could barely make out others like me hidden in the shadows of the forest, hands poised above their weapons as they studied me, looking to the scarred blue woman for their next move. After what had felt like hours of hostile and tense silence she spoke, it was one word, loud and clear as it resonated around the mossy patch of the jungle we were standing in. "come" 

Chapter 1 Translations

1 -why are you here demon?!

2- I will kill you for daring to steal and wear the skin of my people!

Sorry for the short chapter, this was mainly just scene setting

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