-* Ftxozä flä *-

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        Chapter 7

It was dark, so dark that I couldn't see my hand an inch in front of my face. Quite cold too actually. I had no recollection of arriving in this dark place and it was starting to freak me out.

"Hello?" I called out my voice echoing into the pitch-black void that had consumed my body. There was no answer.

"Hello! Please I don't want to be here anymore!" I cried out growing frantic, I could feel helpless tears begin to form in my eyes, I forced myself to take a deep calming breath roughly scrubbing at my face, trying to bring some sense of normalcy to this strange fevered dreamscape.

A soft rumbling from under my feet startled me so forcefully that I tripped over my comically elongated feet and fell roughly to the floor, thankfully the floor was soft, made of some kind of moss or grass.

"Do not cry child" A thousand voices spoke softly to me in Na'vi, I had subsided my crying but instead wanted to run around hysterically pulling out my beaded braids because I had definitely gone insane. Instead, I settled for a croaky


Immediately I wanted to sew my stupid fat mouth shut, I was in a strange place, talking to a strange voice, and had apparently decided to forgo all my manners, did I have a subconscious death wish?

"Sorry, um... who are you? Where am I? How did- How did I get here?" The questions tumbled out of me in Na'vi.

"Do not panic" The voice only chuckled in a velvety tone.

"Dont panic about wha-" my voice cut off in a strangled scream as the floor was promptly withdrawn from underneath me, I was falling, scrabbling at the cold air trying to find anything at all to grip onto, I subconsciously pleaded for something to hold onto, something to break my inevitable fall, but my fingers only clawed uselessly at the pitch-black air. A small speck appeared in my vision, growing larger and larger with every growing second, expanding and twisting into a luscious jungle landscape filled with many varieties of bright, colourful flowers ranging drastically in size. It would have been breathtaking if I had not been about to have my bones crushed from the fall, I screamed louder and more frantically as the ground steadily drew closer. Eventually, my fall began to slow, the air becoming thick around me, cushioning almost, as I was placed feet first in the lush landscape around me. Amongst the abundance of flowers and thick jungle vegetation lay a strange metal box, elongated and in a horridly unnatural silver colour that reflected the non-existent sunlight directly into my eyes, this strange contraption was nestled at the base of a towering cluster of green mountains. I placed my hands on my hips scanning my surroundings, what the fuck.

"Hey, strange voice" I started off "Why am I here? can I just go home please?"

"That begs the question, where is your home little one?" The voice replied in an all-knowing-better-than-you tone.

"Oh you know, here and there, wherever the big annoyingly cryptic voice decides it wants to drop me" I replied sarcastically becoming impatient, maybe I did have a death wish but I was starving, sore all over and smelt like death, it was justified.

The voice's only laughed, a deep amused laugh that shook the mountains and filled the sky as the floor was once again promptly stolen from under my feet.

My head hurt. Clarification, my entire body hurt. My muscles were screaming in pain and my head was throbbing. Voices crowded me speaking in fast panicked voices, a hand came and frantically smacked my face trying to get some semblance of a reaction out of me, strong hands gripped my shoulders shaking my entire body in a wild manner. I let out a soft groan of pain, not daring to open my eyes in fear that the pounding pain in my head would only worsen, I lifted an aching arm to weakly try and push the hands firmly gripping my shoulder away.

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