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Andy was on her way to her car when someone attacked her. She was hit on the head but manages to flee from the attacker. It was dark and she was not seeing where she running to. She looked behind and saw the attacker was right behind her. She slips and fell down,the attacker also catches up with her. His face was all covered,he takes out gun and aims it at Andy's head. He was about to pull the trigger but someone shoots at him but misses,seeing that someone was there to save Andy he decided to get away and plan for a perfect time to attack Andy again.
Andy was so shaken by the incident and losses uncounciousness. Andy wakea up in unfamiliar environment,she looked around the room. It was all black with navy blue sheets and black curtains. She was still trying to figure where she was when Harvey walked in the room with a tray in his hand and a bright smile on his face. Andy tried to sit up but winced in pain"don't "Harvey warned as he put the tray on the nightstand. Andy's head was hurting alot,the attacker hit her hard." Harvey my head hurts alot"Andy complained.Harvey opened the draw and took out painkillers and gave one to Andy.
" Thank you "he helped Andy sit up and gave her water. " l think he is now after you"
"Am scared now Harvey what if he attacks my family" Andy was so scared for her sister and her family."l promise you nothing is going to happen to your family am going to protect you and them"Harvey said caressing Andy's cheek. The moment Harvey's hand made contract with Andy's skin,she shivered and lean on his touch."l've brought you soup can you eat by yourself or should l feed you"
"No that's fine l'll feed myself" Andy said taking the tray from Harvey's hand. Harvey leaves the room to get back to his work. Andy finish her soup and followed Harvey.The house beautiful and well arranged. Andy reaches the living room and found Harvey asleep on the couch, she walked to him and for the first time she was able to look at Harvey more closely. He was so good looking with his hair tied in a man bun,his sideline was so sharp , he had kissable lips. Andy wondered how it will feel to kiss him. Andy was busy taking in Harvey's looks to realise that Harvey was awake and looking at her." Seen something you like"Harvey said making Andy jump back. "What are you doing here are you suppose to be sleeping"
"You too should be sleeping"
"I was working ,you take the room and l'll sleep here"
"Okay then good night"

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