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Tickling tears banished the murky hallway, shattered ornaments, alcohol odour, slurred profanities, persisting strikes and weeping to the recesses of Tristan's mind. He stared at his phone, bashfulness tugging at his lips.

Alya: Hi Tristan. Sorry for missing our date. So much happened. So much to talk about. How about coming over to my house sometime? I have an exam tomorrow so the day after? Around seven?

Tristan: Hi Alya. No worries. Just hope everything's okay. Sure, I'd love to come over. Seven's great. All the best with your exam.

Alya: Yeah, everything's okay. You're so sweet. Thanks for your understanding and well wishes. Good night, Tristan. See you then.

Tristan: Good night, Alya.

Violent words inundating Bicker elicited a sneer. Grinding his teeth, wiping tears away, Tristan shoved his phone into its pouch to absorb himself in his surroundings. Starlight, neon signs and traffic lights speckled the skyline. Distant horns and engines frustrated silence. A chilled breeze slithered along Tristan's skin. He shivered, conscious he accepted Alya's invitation despite resolving to let her go, conscious Bicker's ongoing debates could not be discarded or deflected, conscious he had taken five lives when the situation could have been de-escalated instead.

In the parking lot below, an officer muttered into his earpiece before hopping into his car. He tailed four others speeding toward the skyline, sirens blaring. Another group arrived and immediately alighted their vehicles. Captain Slovurn, encircled by the team deployed at Cash-Strapped Bank, rushed into MMPD HQ. With a weary sigh, Tristan slid his visor back on, dropped to the pavement then followed the officers through the sliding doors.

Officers assembled throughout the lobby stood shocked before grabbing their firearms and taking aim. In response, Captain Slovurn whisked around to confront the figure towering in the midst of her subordinates. Instead of drawing her firearm as well, she wore an expression of mild relief and profound disappointment.

"Got off the phone with Mayor Chamberlain just before arriving. As expected, she ordered a manhunt. Thought you'd have gone into hiding after I revealed my intention to take you into custody. Relieved you've spared us the time and effort. A noble course of action, Eros," sighed Captain Slovurn.

After sweeping his gaze across trembling firearms, glass panes, wooden panelling and miscellaneous papers littering notice boards, Tristan locked his steely eyes on Captain Slovurn. "Waste my time in a cell while Keyboard Warrior continues to walk free? Get your priorities straight. Keyboard Warrior murdered Comet. His whereabouts must be discovered. With your resources and influence, we can analyse every device's location data in this city." Tristan addressed Captain Slovurn with a severity he had never before.

Captain Slovurn's jaw dropped but she swiftly collected herself. "Ludicrous! Internet service providers hold that information and you know that accessing it without a warrant would be illegal, a violation of every citizen's right to privacy. Please, Eros, be patient and reasonable. We can initiate the process to subpoena the relevant information first thing in the morning. William Intel will face justice soon."

"Still calling me that... I told you Eros died alongside Comet. I am Asmodeus," purred Asmodeus, flashing a smouldering smile at the surrounding officers.

"W-what am I doing?" blurted an officer, lowering her firearm then slipping it back into its holster.

"Such p-perfection..." drawled another after his baton clattered on the floor, eyelids drooping and tongue lolling.

Captain Slovurn's cheeks flushed. Her eyes sparkled while licking her lips at the blackened heart engulfed in flame etched across Asmodeus' bare chest. "Sorry for inconveniencing you, my love. Our infrastructure and expertise are at your disposal."

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