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So he's treating me like paper rather than a cook.. How in the world can he be so kind!? He's tall and muscular and...

Stop!! I have to assassinate him!!

"What are you up to today?" Tobirama asked with the kindest smile on his face.

"Hamburger steak" I answered

"That's my favorite!! My brother used to make me, love it <3"

After eating tobirama called me on the couch he was sitting on... A grey couch

"Why don't we talk for a bit? I mean we don't know each other very well)" Tobirama asked

Honestly I was afraid that he'll want to talk to me and here he is asking me now I have to lie in every single thing which I hate..

"Uh-huh why not? Sir" I answered

"You don't exactly needs to call me sir you know"

"Tobirama..... "

This was the first time ever I called him by his name... He got pretty weird name.

"Right... This feels more of a friend" Tobirama said

"So.. What's your age?" I asked

"Thirty four"

Thirty four!? You are telling me he's eight years older than me!? I'm twenty five by the way.... He's older... He's OLDER!!!! I have been always into older guys.. Him towering over me while I lay down in his couch naked and then...

Never mind!!!!

"Is there anyone who is dear to you?" I asked

"Everyone who lives in my house is dear to me" Tobirama answered

"What's your sexuality?" I asked him, I really wanted to ask him though if before his death I got a chance to...

I need to stop thinking about it!!!

"I don't care about it as long as there is a hole to fuck."

That caught me Off Guard really..

After an hour of talk tobirama slept on the couch we were sitting on, his head on my shoulder... He looks peaceful while sleeping..

I touched his lips. They were so soft.

He's going to a party tomorrow he told me. When he comes back I have to assassinate him. I will do the preparation.

Honestly for the first time in my life I'm hesitating to kill someone. I don't want him to die.

As he soon as he gone I set the music in my headphones while preparing the food.

And Oh... The lyrics..

It reminds me of him....

Oh father, forgive me,

For all my sins..

When I met your eyes,

The devil, he wins..

Blinded by your lies,

I play pretend..

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