Part 3

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Cas had seemingly disappeared without a trace and Sam and Dean couldn't find him anywhere. They finally resorted to asking for help, from the last person they wanted to ask for help from... Crowley.           Once they got back to the bunker, they went to the dungeon and set up the summoning spell in front of the demon trap. Dean slit the palm of his hand and let it drip into the bowl. A few seconds later, Crowley appeared in a poof of red smoke.

                "Why hello, Squirrel! What ever could you possibly need? I was busy ya know? Being the king of Hell is actual work," Crowley complained.

                "We need you to tell us where Cas is, and how we can get him back," said Dean, glowering at Crowley.

                "What, your pet angel ran away? I'm so sorry for your loss..." said Crowley, lowering his head in fake mourning. "May we pray he isn't road kill somewhere..."

                "Can you tell us where he is or not?" Sam growled.

                "Sure, sure. In return, I want a fourth of Mathew Terryn's soul," said Crowley. "Then I'll tell you where your pet angel is."

                "Deal," said Dean, knowing that getting a piece of Matt's soul would be easy.

                An hour later, Sam was holding a note with a list of instructions, and Dean was sterilizing his mouth with a big glass of whiskey. The note instructed them to meet Crowley's goon in McBean's Coffee shop at noon the next day, and he would take them to the ship that Cas was being held on.

                Sam and Dean sat in McBean's Coffee shop at 11:50 the next day. At noon exactly, a tall boy in a fedora walked in with a manga in one hand and a liter of mt dew in his other. He wore plaid pajama pants, and a clashing plaid, oversized shirt. He looked around for a moment before spotting Sam and Dean in the corner booth. He walked up to them and sat down.

                "Are you guys Crowley's clients?" he asked. They nodded. "My name is Steven Proudfoot. But you can call me Steve. I'm Crowley's lieutenant."

                He held out his hand and they both shook it.

                "So the ship that Castiel is being held captive on is called the USS Enterprise. It's from the future and is captained by the infamous James T. Kirk," explained Steve. "I know how to get you on the ship in order to rescue Castiel."

                Soon, their plan was in motion. Steve waited in hiding, ready to ambush one of the crew mates when they beamed down. They hid in the bushes and waited. After about fifteen minutes, a flurry of light appeared and a man in a yellow shirt materialized. He held a futuristic contraption in his hand that beeped sporadically. Dean, Sam and Steve leapt out of the bush and tackled the man, wrestling his gun off his belt and kicking it away. Soon, they had him held down, Sam and Dean pointing their guns at him.

                "We need you to tell your captain to beam us all up," ordered Steve.

                "Who are you people?!" asked the man in a thick Russian accent.

                "None of your business!" yelled Steve. "Now, tell them to beam us up!"

                "Okay, okay!" he said. He pulled his communicator off his belt and flipped it open. "Scotty, I got three people with me. Can you beam us up?"

                He got a quick reply, then a flurry of light surrounded them and they materialized on a transporter. Scotty sat behind the controls, Kirk standing behind him. When they saw Chekov beam in being held down, two guns at his head, Kirk and Scotty whipped out their fasers. Sam and Dean pulled their guns away, lifting their hands and taking their fingers off the triggers. They both stood up but Steve's attention was immediately captivated and he didn't react to the guns pointed at him.

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