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"Each n everyday there's someone judging me, Worried 'bout my life n how I live in these streets"

"Each n everyday there's someone judging me, Worried 'bout my life n how I live in these streets"

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In which 2 teens fall in love

Song:My story- Sean McGee

We all arrived at ddots house and sat outside on his stairs

"where's my Ma at?" I asked ddot quietly "probably at work I would assume" he shrugged "ughhhh" I groaned "I miss my maaaa" I placed my hand under my chin "bitch that's not your mom" he said as he hit his breeze

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes "lemme hit that shi" I said snatching his blueberry mint breeze  "umm no, I don't know where them lips been" he snatched it back "my lips ain't been no where now lemme hit that shit" I held my hand out

"Bro ii" he rolled his eyes handing me it

I slowly hit it inhaling it before ghosting it "that's good as fuckk" I said smiling handing it back "I know, I know" he said sarcastically

"Heyy my loveee" Jay said coming over to me and pecking my lips "ewww" ddot said in a disgusted tone "shut up bitch" I smacked his head

"I hate how lovey dovey y'all are" ddot fake shivered "gives me the creeps"

It went silent as everyone looked at maliyah

Maliyah looked down at her phone slowly before having a disgusted look

She still picked it up tho

"Wassup?" Maliyah said answering the phone

"I thought you were in jail?" The girl on the other side of the phone said

"nah, they had no evidence to prove it was me" I shrugged my shoulders

"Well I need you home then" mom said
On the other side of the phone

"Why?" Maliyah said with attitude laced in her tone

"Cause I fucking said, you don't need to ask why. If I'm your mother and I'm telling you to get home YOU GET FUCKING HOME"

"Don't need to raise ya tone" maliyah rolled her eyes

"Shut the fuck up and get your ass home"

Her mom said before hanging up the phone

"Who that was?" dd asked raising his brows "my mom, she need me home" maliyah said getting up from the stairs

"Need us to walk you there?" quan asked pulling his pants up "nah I'm good, thank you tho" I gave quan a toothless smile before walking

I heard walking behind me also as I walked "are y'all following me?" I asked without turning around "no"

I heard the walking stop


I finally got home after the boys walked me here.

My mom was standing at the door with her chanclas in her hand "¿Le mentiste a la policía?" Mom tapped her chanclas in her hand

(You lied to the police?)

"Nah ma, watchu on about.." I mumbled grinning a little

"¡Tú eres el que mató a esos chicos! ¿Y ahora le mientes a la policía diciendo que no lo hiciste?" She exclaimed getting closer

(you are the one who killed those boys! and now your lying to the police saying you didn't?)

"Ma obviously I didn't if the lie detector said I didn't" I said walking past her before I was grabbed by my shirt

"Escúchame bien, ¡mañana vas a ir a la comisaría y entregarte! ¿TU ME ENTIENDES?"

(listen here, you are going to go into that police station tomorrow and turn yourself in! YOU UNDERSTAND ME?)

"ma your funny as fuck" I said walking to my room finally "should have my friends line yo ugly ass" I mumbled slamming my door

"DÍGALO MÁS FUERTE" I heard my mom stomping to my room


"Ma your tripping or sum? You on drugs bro. Ain't nobody said shi" I laughed through the door before it was silent


Slowly loosing interest in this book but ima keep going just for y'all❤️🔐

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