𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏

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Commissioner Gordon stepped out from his car. An umbrella in on hand and a phone to his ear. He spoke to his angered wife, bickering back further about not being home in time for dinner. Rain poured spotty, stopping on and off. Hitting his back and raced down his coat. Walking down a nearly empty sidewalk towards a clearing out office building. In front of the entrance was two middle-aged women laughing to themselves while talking. Gordon mumbled a good evening to the two while still reassuring his wife on the other line that he would be home soon. Stopping before turning to look around. One of the women stopped talking to turn to look at Gordon.

"Sir, are you waiting for someone?" she asked politely.

For a moment Gordon continued to turn his head left and right, "Yeah," Was all he said. A second later, from the shadows, Batman appeared next to Gordon. Gordon hangs up on his wife, quickly turning to look at Batman with a stressed-out nod. The women were quick to scurry off by the Batman.

"I tell yah I love her, but she can be a handful," The lieutenant chuckled.

Clicking his tongue before speaking, "Let's get this over with, I got dinner waiting for me at home," He then pulled the entrance door open before walking in, Batman following suit.

"You know I could have done this earlier; why did you insist on tagging along anyway?" Gordon asked while single filing it a tight doorway. Knowing he wouldn't get an answer, Gordon continued the two steps up to another glass door that led to a lobby.

As soon as the two enter the lobby, the smell of cheap air freshener pollutes the air. The lobby wasn't much, foldable chairs lined up on every wall, 2-year-old magazines laid on a dirty coffee table, and ugly colored wallpaper that looked to be water damaged. In the center of the room was a large oak desk. Behind the desk was a short hallway that housed two older looking elevators. The kind of elevators that were painted an ugly orange and had weird marks on the outside. The loud snapping of a keyboard stopped; the receptionist looked up from his screen. For a second it took the young man to realize who he was looking at.

"Good evening, sir, how can I help you?" He seemed uninterested in talking to the two men. 

"I'm Lieutenant Jim Gordon at the GCPD, and this is my second, Batman," Gordon tiredly explained.

"Do you know the name Michelle Banker?" Gordon took out his badge and held it up to the man behind the bullet proof divider.

He straightened up quickly, "She's my boss, she's not here now," The man was swift to find an excuse, "You can leave her a message though. I doubt she would message you back," Mumbling the last sentence under his breath.

"Is there someone that can get in contact with her, now?" Vengeance spoke up, his intimidating voice held ground.

" Sir, I'm sorry to tell you, but were not allowed to just give information out," The Receptionist gave another bullshit excuse, wanting them to get out of this dingy smelling office.

"Look kid, we're just trying to get in contact with your boss. Now I'm going ask you again, do you know anybody that has some direct contact with Michelle Banker?" Gordon asked disliking how he must drill into this man to get him speak up.

Just then someone walked out of the elevator. They had heard Gordon's question, and were quick to answer, "I know someone, the person that has direct contact."

Gordon turned his attention to an older woman, dressed in a heavy coat and rain boots. She had a big red and orange striped purse on her shoulder and lunch box that had a long strap to cross around her body.

"Why do you need to speak with Ms. Banker?" The woman asked coming down from the hallway.

"We here from the GCPD," The Bat said putting the room into an awkward silents.

She crossed over to the two men, pulling out a note pad and pen, "You didn't hear this from me but," She wryly stated, looking over at the receptionist with distaste, "Her name is (Full Name), she works in the correspondence department, I think. I haven't seen her lately, a nice girl indeed," Finishing writing on the sticky note, the woman held the square paper to Vengeance. The men looked between one another, confused by the sudden information.

"This is how you spell her name, I also put a business number and an email that might be hers. Heard this morning she was out from an accident," The Bats ears perked up out her name. The girl from a few days ago, the girl must be out for the concussion and fractured nose she sustained. She reminded him of Alfred. Batman took the paper from the woman, looking down into it remembering how the girls shaken and frightful manner, she only seemed to relax when he had pick her up into his.

A flutter tickled his insides, the thought on how she mindless told him how you shouldn't pick your scabs and that she would help him fade his scar when she was bleeding from almost every part of her face. Not in the few years has he been Gotham's savor has anyone ever asked to help with his wounds expect for Alfred, of courses. Even though it came from an act of delirium, he still thought about that occasionally afterwards.

"I heard she sits in for meetings while Ms. Banker is away," The woman continued to speak. If it wasn't for the grandmother over sharing trait she had, Gordon and Batman would have had a much harder time trying to pry for information.

"If she's not here, can we get address? We'll perform a wellness check when I send a patrol to pass by for questions," Gordon stared down the receptionist, watching as he bit back another excuse.

Giving in the receptionist started to type up the woman's name into the computer, pulling up her file and writing an address on a note pad. Turning back from the computer he put the paper through an opening in the divider and stating a fake 'thank you for visiting'.

With that the two men walked out the smelly office building, Batman walking with Gordon to his car. Gordon picked up the paper with the address on it. Scanning it over he sighed, "That's on the other side of the city. I'll get someone to do this in the morn-."

"I'll do it tonight," The Bat cut Jim off.

"What do you mean you'll do it tonight? Don't yah got other things to do?" Gordon was surprised at Vengeance sudden action. Vengeance took the paper from Jim's hands and started to leave. Gordon rolled his eyes before getting into his car.

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